aaron.ballman added a comment.

In D71973#1817941 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D71973#1817941>, @gbencze wrote:

> Another option that came to my mind is using a BitVector to (recursively) 
> flag bits that are occupied by the fields. This solution would be slightly 
> slower and uses more memory but is probably a lot easier to understand, 
> maintain and more robust than the currently proposed implementation.  This 
> would also catch a few additional cases as it could also look inside unions.
> I stared to experiment with an implementation of this here 
> <https://github.com/gaborbencze/llvm-project/commit/689bba792b5699444674a1cadc0e235b668b2970#diff-b476912022a94429d868e13a139cf406>.
> Which direction do you think would be a better solution?

This is a neat approach, but I think I still prefer asking the RecordLayout for 
this information if possible.

Comment at: 
+static bool hasPadding(const ASTContext &Ctx, const RecordDecl *RD,
+                       uint64_t ComparedBits) {
+  assert(RD && RD->isCompleteDefinition() &&
gbencze wrote:
> aaron.ballman wrote:
> > I am surprised that we have to do this much manual work, I would have 
> > expected this to be something that `RecordLayout` would handle for us. I am 
> > a bit worried about this manual work being split in a few places because 
> > we're likely to get it wrong in at least one of them. For instance, this 
> > doesn't seem to be taking into account things like `[[no_unique_address]]` 
> > or alignment when considering the layout of fields.
> > 
> > I sort of wonder if we should try using the `RecordLayout` class to do this 
> > work instead, even if that requires larger changes.
> Thanks, I didn't realize the [[no_unique_address]] attribute existed but I 
> fixed it (in this check for now) and also added some tests to cover it as 
> well as alignas. 
> If you think this information should be provided by RecordLayout I'm willing 
> to work on that as well (though I guess those changes should be in a 
> different patch). Do you have any ideas as to how it should expose the 
> necessary information? 
I do think this should be provided by `RecordLayout` (and yes, please as a 
separate patch -- feel free to add myself and Richard Smith as reviewers for 
it). Intuitively, I would expect to be able to query for whether a record has 
any padding within it whatsoever. For your needs, I would imagine an interface 
like `bool hasPaddingWithin(CharUnits InitialOffset, CharUnits FinalOffset)` 
would also help -- though I suspect we may not want to use `CharUnits` because 
of bit-fields that may have padding due to 0-sized bit-fields.



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