baloghadamsoftware marked an inline comment as done.
baloghadamsoftware added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/ContainerModeling.cpp:731
+  }
+  return C.getNoteTag([Text, Name](BugReport &BR) -> std::string {
+      SmallString<256> Msg;
NoQ wrote:
> You'll need to check whether the container is actually of interest to the bug 
> report. We don't want notes to be added about changes to irrelevant 
> containers.
> You can use a combination of "Report `BR` was emitted by one of the iterator 
> checkers" and "The memory region of the container is marked as interesting" 
> (while also actually marking it as interesting in the checker).
> Ideally we should instead make a new generic storage inside the `BugReport` 
> object, in order to pass down the interesting information from the call site 
> of `emitReport` ("Hi, i'm an iterator checker who emitted this report and i'm 
> interested in changes made to the size of this container").
Are you sure in this? I already wondered how it works so I added a test that 
checks one container and changes another one and there were no note tags 
displayed for the one we did not check but change. See the last test.


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