Quuxplusone added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/test/CodeGenCXX/attr-loader-uninitialized.cpp:23
+// CHECK: @nominally_value_init = global i32 undef
+int nominally_value_init  [[clang::loader_uninitialized]] = 4;
rjmccall wrote:
> JonChesterfield wrote:
> > Quuxplusone wrote:
> > > This test case is identical to line 36 of 
> > > clang/test/Sema/attr-loader-uninitialized.cpp, where you say you don't 
> > > want it to compile at all.
> > > 
> > > I think you need a clearer idea of how this interacts with initializers. 
> > > Is it merely supposed to eliminate the //zero-initialization// that 
> > > happens before the user-specified construction/initialization, or is it 
> > > supposed to compete with the user-specified construction/initialization?
> > > 
> > > That is, for
> > > 
> > >     nontrivial unt [[clang::loader_uninitialized]];
> > > 
> > > is it merely supposed to call `unt::unt()` on a chunk of undef memory 
> > > (instead of the usual chunk of zeroed memory), or is it supposed to skip 
> > > the constructor entirely? And for
> > > 
> > >     int x [[clang::loader_uninitialized]] = foo();
> > > 
> > > is it merely supposed to call `foo()` and assign the result to a chunk of 
> > > undef memory (instead of the usual chunk of zeroed memory), or is it 
> > > supposed to skip the initialization entirely?
> > I think you commented while the first working piece of sema landed. My 
> > thinking is relatively clear but my understanding of clang's semantic 
> > analysis is a work in progress!
> > 
> > Initializers (`= foo()`) are straightforward. Error on the basis that the 
> > attribute effectively means `= undef`, and one should not have two 
> > initializers. A test case is now added for that (and now passes).
> > 
> > The codegen I want for a default constructed global marked with this 
> > variable is:
> > - global variable allocated, with undef as the original value
> > - default constructor call synthesized
> > - said default constructor set up for invocation from crt, before main, 
> > writing over the undef value
> > 
> > Where the default constructor can be optimized as usual, e.g. if it always 
> > writes a constant, we can init with that constant instead of the undef and 
> > elide the constructor.
> > 
> > I don't have that actually working yet - the constructor call is not being 
> > emitted, so we just have the undef global.
> > 
> > I think it's important to distinguish between the values of the bits when 
> > the program is loaded and whether constructor/destructors are called, as 
> > one could want any combination of the two.
> I think Arthur is suggesting that it would be useful to allow the attribute 
> to be used in conjunction with an initializer in C++, since if the 
> initializer has to be run dynamically, we can still meaningfully suppress the 
> static zero-initialization.   That is, we've accepted that it's useful to do 
> this when *default-initializing* a global, but it's actually useful when 
> doing *any* kind of dynamic initialization.
> Maybe we can leave it as an error in C++ when the initializer is a constant 
> expression.  Although that might be unnecessarily brittle if e.g. the 
> constructor is `constexpr` in one library version but not another.
No, that's exctly what I mean. You seem to be holding two contradictory ideas 

    [[loader_uninitialized]] X x = X{};  // two initializers, therefore error

    [[loader_uninitialized]] X x {}; // one initializer plus one constructor, 
therefore fine

In C++, these two declarations have identical semantics. It doesn't make sense 
to say that one of them "calls a constructor" and the other one "has an 
initializer." They're literally the same thing.

Similarly in both C99 and C++ with plain old ints:

    [[loader_uninitialized]] int x = foo();

This means "call foo and dynamically initialize x with the result," just as 
surely as

    [[loader_uninitialized]] X x = X();

means "call X::X and dynamically initialize x with the result." Having one rule 
for dynamic initializers of primitive types and a separate rule for dynamic 
initializers of class types doesn't work.

Furthermore, "dynamic initialization" can be promoted to compile-time:

    [[loader_uninitialized]] int x = 42;
    [[loader_uninitialized]] std::string_view x = "hello world";

It wouldn't make semantic sense to say that one of these has "two initializers" 
and the other has "one initializer," because both of the initializations end up 
happening at compile time and getting put into .data.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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