nridge marked 3 inline comments as done.
nridge added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaCodeComplete.cpp:4856
+  // Infer members of T, given that the expression E (dependent on T) is true.
+  void believe(const Expr *E, const TemplateTypeParmType *T) {
sammccall wrote:
> nridge wrote:
> > "given that the expression E is valid"?
> E comes from concept constraints, we actually know that E is not only valid 
> but its value is exactly `true`.
> In particular, knowing that E is *valid* doesn't tell us anything at all 
> about T if E is a ConceptSpecializationExpr like `Integral<T>`, as we'd get 
> from a `requires Integral<T>` clause or an `Integral auto foo` parameter. 
> (Note that `Integral<std::string>` is a valid expression with the value 
> `false`)
You're totally right on this one, my bad! (When I wrote this, I imagined 
`believe()` being called on the expression inside an `ExprRequirement`, but 
that's not the case.)

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaCodeComplete.cpp:4901
+        if (!Req->isDependent())
+          continue; // Can't tell us anything about T.
+        if (auto *TR = llvm::dyn_cast<concepts::TypeRequirement>(Req)) {
sammccall wrote:
> nridge wrote:
> > Are we sure a dependent requirement can't tell us anything about `T`?
> > 
> > For example, a constraint with a dependent return type requirement might 
> > still give us a useful member name and arguments. Even a call expression 
> > with dependent arguments could give us a useful member name.
> > 
> > Or am I misunderstanding what `Requirement::isDependent()` signifies?
> I think you're reading this backwards, a *non-dependent* requirement can't 
> tell us anything about T, because it doesn't depend on T!
> This isn't terribly important except that it takes care of a few cases at 
> once (e.g. all requirements below must have an expr rather than an error, 
> because constraints with an error aren't dependent)
Indeed, I was reading this backwards. Makes sense now!

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaCodeComplete.cpp:4972
+    // In T::foo::bar, `foo` must be a type.
+    bool VisitNestedNameSpecifier(NestedNameSpecifier *NNS) {
sammccall wrote:
> nridge wrote:
> > It would be nice if the test exercised this case.
> Oops, this was actually broken because VisitNestedNameSpecifier doesn't seem 
> to be a thing :-(
> Fixed to use TraverseNestedNameSpecifierLoc and added a test.
> Oops, this was actually broken because VisitNestedNameSpecifier doesn't seem 
> to be a thing :-(

(I suspected this, but the heavy macro usage in `RecursiveASTVisitor.h` made me 
second-guess myself and think I was just overlooking a place that defines 
`VisitNestedNameSpecifier`. I figured adding a test wouldn't hurt even if I'm 
mistaken and the code works. :-))

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaCodeComplete.cpp:5006
+      if (/*Inserted*/ R.second ||
+          std::make_tuple(M.Operator, M.ArgTypes.hasValue(),
+                          M.ResultType != nullptr) >
So `Colons` is more info than `Arrow` which is more info than `Dot`? Is there 
some intuition behind that?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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