erichkeane marked 3 inline comments as done.
erichkeane added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/AST/MicrosoftMangle.cpp:2956
+  mangleArtificialTagType(TTK_Struct, TemplateMangling, {"__clang"});
Anastasia wrote:
> We don't seem to add namespace for other OpenCL types, although I am not 
> against it as I find it actually cleaner.
> Since the mangling deviates what is documented can you add some comments here 
> explaining your mangling scheme?
The Microsoft mangling scheme is owned by the Microsoft Corporation, so adding 
something to their mangling (like 8ocl_pipe) isn't permitted.  Thus, the clang 
project mangles our types that aren't supported by Microsoft as a type in the 
__clang namespace.  

You'll note that we do it for a bunch of types above, including 
AddressSpaceType, VectorType, _Complex, _Float16, _Half, etc.

Comment at: clang/test/CodeGenOpenCLCXX/
+//  or write/read. Our Windows mangling does, so make sure this still works.
+void test2(read_only pipe int p) {
+// WINDOWS: define dso_local void @"?test2@@YAXU?$ocl_pipe@H$00@__clang@@@Z"
Anastasia wrote:
> any reason this is different from the rest?
Sorry, I don't understand the question perhaps? (different in what way?).  

Do you mean why it is in a macro? I wanted an example to show that overloading 
works so I chose test2.  As the comment says, the OpenCL standard mangling 
doesn't support overloading on just pipes (since they don't take element type 
and read/write into account).  

In those cases, we get a code-gen emitted diagnostic that two functions have 
identical mangling.


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