Alexander_Droste marked 3 inline comments as done.
Alexander_Droste added a comment.

> I still have to do an overall pass over this checker, but it looks much 
> better than the first version!


Comment at: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/MPI-Checker/MPIChecker.cpp:47
@@ +46,3 @@
+    BReporter->reportDoubleNonblocking(PreCallEvent, *Req, MR, ExplNode);
+    Ctx.addTransition(ErrorNode->getState(), ErrorNode);
+  }
zaks.anna wrote:
> Correct, it should be ErrorNode. Moreover, if you do not modify the State and 
> use the state from the predecessor node, which is the case here, you do not 
> need to pass a State to it. You do not need to pass the tag either in his 
> case - a page generated for your checker will be used. By default the 
> CheckerContext will use the state of the predecessor node and that default 
> tag. (If you want to pass your tag, it's fine.)
> You do need to pass the state if you modify the state as in the next example.
Ah I see, this is covered by the default parameters.

Comment at: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/MPI-Checker/MPIChecker.cpp:135
@@ +134,3 @@
+void MPIChecker::checkMissingWaitsGlobals(ExplodedGraph &G) const {
zaks.anna wrote:
> I do not think I've seen this code before. If you add new functionality, 
> please submit it in a new commit. Otherwise, there is a high chance it will 
> go unnoticed. 
> Are there examples of the new warnings it caught? 
> checkEndAnalysis is rarely used by checkers, so you might not need it here. 
> Specifically, you should be notified by the checkDeadSymbols before a symbol 
> dies even if it dies because it's the end of path.
Yes, I added this at some point after the initial patch, after I realized that 
the following test case fails:

MPI_Request sendReq1;
void missingWait2() { // Check missing wait for global variable.
  int rank = 0;
  double buf = 0;
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
} // expected-warning{{Request 'sendReq1' has no matching wait.}}
if the checker solely relies on `checkDeadSymbols`. I just rechecked this 
behavior by commenting out

BReporter->reportMissingWait(Req.second, Req.first, *NodeIt);
in `checkMissingWaitsGlobals` and the test still fails then. Are global 
variables really covered by `checkDeadSymbols`?

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