njames93 added a comment.

In D76054#1935533 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D76054#1935533>, @ymandel wrote:

> Thanks for expanding the description, including the helpful example.  I'm not 
> sure, though, that this is the "right" behavior, at least not always. Worse, 
> I'm not sure there is a single "right" behavior. I can easily imagine a tidy 
> that matches multiple times in the same TU and tries, therefore, to apply the 
> same fix multiple times, even though it wants at most one (and possibly an 
> error).  The major problem is that character-level (versus AST level) edits 
> simply don't compose. So, multiple edits on a file are always suspect.  Could 
> you also give an example (in terms of code changes, not YAML) of why this 
> comes up? As in, are we sure that the problem lies in the algorithm here, 
> rather than in the phrasing of the transformation itself?
> That said, based on some of your linked bugs, it sounds like your change 
> would make the behavior here consistent with the behavior in another 
> situation (when clang-tidy applies the edits directly rather than outputting 
> to YAML?).  Consistency could be a strong argument in favor of this change.

clang-tidy does a good job of filtering out conflicting fix-its so duplicated 
insertions are going to be intentional.

The example yaml is generated from running is running the 
readability-braces-around-statements check on this code(offsets dont match due 
to formatting)

  void f() {
    if (1)
      if (2) return;

Both if statements have the same end location which is where the check will 
insert a `}`. 
This leads to 2 insertion fix its that are the same location and same text. 
When clang-tidy applies the fix-it there is no issue, but currently 
clang-apply-replacements thinks they should be deduplicated. 
This ultimately leads to malformed code as 2 `{` are inserted after the if 
conditions, but only one `}` is inserted at the end.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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