martong marked an inline comment as done.
martong added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/StdLibraryFunctionsChecker.cpp:409
-  Optional<Summary> FoundSummary = findFunctionSummary(FD, CE, C);
+  for (const ValueConstraintPtr& VC : Summary.ArgConstraints) {
+    ProgramStateRef SuccessSt = VC->apply(State, Call, Summary);
NoQ wrote:
> martong wrote:
> > NoQ wrote:
> > > Maybe we should add an assertion that the same argument isn't specified 
> > > multiple times.
> > I think there could be cases when we want to have e.g. a not-null 
> > constraint on the 1st argument, but also we want to express that the 1st 
> > argument's size is described by the 2nd argument. I am planning to 
> > implement such a constraints in the future. In that case we would have two 
> > constraints on the 1st argument and the assert would fire.
> Wait, i misunderstood the code. It's even worse than that: you're adding 
> transitions in a loop, so it'll cause state splits for every constraint. 
> Because you do not intend to create multiple branches here, there needs to be 
> exactly one `addTransition` performed every time `checkPreCall` is called. 
> I.e., for now this code is breaking everything whenever there's more than one 
> constraint, regardless of whether it's on the same argument.
Yeah, that's a very good catch, thanks! I am going to prepare a patch to fix 
this soon. My idea is to store the `SuccessSt` and apply the next argument 
constraint on that. And once the loop is finished I'll have call the 

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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