rjmccall added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/AST/Expr.h:3465
+    SubExprs[RHS] = rhs;
+    hasFPFeatures = true;
+    isCompoundAssign = 1;
mibintc wrote:
> rjmccall wrote:
> > Okay, so this is *always* adding trailing storage.  Is there a common value 
> > for `FPOptions` — something that corresponds to default settings, for 
> > example — that we could use to avoid needing storage in the common case?
> > 
> > Also, it would be useful to extract a function somewhere that you can use 
> > in all of these places for consistency, maybe something like this on 
> > `FPOptions`:
> > 
> > ```
> >   /// Does this FPOptions require trailing storage when stored in various 
> > AST nodes,
> >   /// or can it be recreated using `defaultWithoutTrailingStorage`?
> >   bool requiresTrailingStorage() const { return *this == 
> > defaultWithoutTrailingStorage(); }
> > 
> >   /// Return the default value of FPOptions that's used when trailing 
> > storage isn't required.
> >   static FPOptions defaultWithoutTrailingStorage() { ... }
> > ```
> The reason I set hasFPFeatures to True in this revision is because in the 
> previous review you asked me to make it purely a representational change and 
> "add stuff about whether there is a pragma in a separate patch".  The stuff I 
> had in the previous version was smarter about creating trailing storage, it 
> only created trailing storage when the pragma was in effect. I envirsioned 
> that the evolution would accept something that always created the FPOptions 
> in trailing storage, and in the 2nd generation would adopt the more thrifty 
> way of creating trailing storage. 
Well, let's at least set up the infrastructure and APIs correctly, even if we 
always allocate trailing storage.

For example, should `getFPOptions` take an `ASTContext &` so that it can always 
return the right options instead of making clients do `hasFPOptions() ? 
getFPOptions() : ctx.getFPOptions()`?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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