balazske marked 2 inline comments as done.
balazske added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/MallocChecker.cpp:396
+  /// yes was the value obtained or not.
+  mutable Optional<Optional<int>> KernelZeroSizePtrValue;
martong wrote:
> Which one is referred to the lazy initialization? The inner or the outer?
> These questions actually made me to come up with a more explanatory construct 
> here:
> Could we do something like this?
> ```
> using LazyInitialized = Optional<int>;
> mutable Optional<LazyInitialized> KernelZeroSizePtrValue; // Or 
> Lazy<Optional<...>>
> ```
Probably use a `std::unique_ptr<Optional<int>>` instead (like at the bug types, 
they could be optional too)?
If there is a code like
bool IsSomethingInitialized;
int Something;
that looks as a clear case to use an optional (or unique_ptr)? And if yes, is a 
reason for not using this construct if `int` is replaced by `Optional<int>`?

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/MallocChecker.cpp:1687
+  if (ArgValKnown) {
+    if (!KernelZeroSizePtrValue)
+      KernelZeroSizePtrValue =
martong wrote:
> martong wrote:
> > This is a bit confusing for me. Perhaps alternatively we could have a free 
> > function `isInitialized(KernelZero...)` instead. Or maybe having a separate 
> > bool variable to indicate whether it was initialized could be cleaner?
> Another idea: Adding a helper struct to contain the bool `initialized`? E.g. 
> (draft):
> ```
> struct LazyOptional {
>   bool initialized = false;
>   Opt<int> value;
>   Opt& get();
>   void set(const Opt&);
> };
> ```
It may be OK to have a function `lazyInitKernelZeroSizePtrValue`?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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