Richard: Okay, filed !

David: You are correct, the bug in function_ref appeared only when
constructing from `const function_ref&&`. When I said that the constructor
template suppressed the copy constructor, I was wrong. The implicitly
generated copy constructor is still there, and it's the best match for
`const function_ref&` but not for `const function_ref&&`.  The bug would
also appear with construction from `volatile function_ref&`, but, let's not
go there. :)

IMHO (YMMV), it would be worth *additionally* adding a complex but
"realistic" test case that depends on the GCC bug, as opposed to your own
test's simple but "unrealistic" cast to `const function_ref&&`. Here's a
test case that I believe would have dereferenced null on GCC but would have
worked fine on Clang—

TEST(FunctionRefTest, BadCopyGCCBug) {

  auto A = [] { return 1; };

  function_ref<int()> W = A;

  auto LW = [=]() {  // captures a data member 'const function_ref W'

    return [=]() {

      return W();



  auto LX = std::move(LW);  // calls function_ref's 'const&&' constructor

  W = nullptr;

  ASSERT_EQ(LX(), 1);



On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 7:48 PM Richard Smith <> wrote:

> On Thu, 26 Mar 2020 at 21:50, Arthur O'Dwyer via cfe-commits <
>> wrote:
>> [...]
>> Argh! That is insanely sneaky, and it is quite probable IMHO that this is
>> a core-language bug in GCC, because GCC behaves differently from EDG and
>> Clang here.
>> On GCC, when you have a lambda nested within a lambda, and you
>> capture-by-copy a variable which was captured-by-copy using [=] or [i] (but
>> not C++14 init-capture [i=i]), then your data member for that capture will
>> have type `const I`, not just `I`.
>> On Clang and EDG, [=], [i], and [i=i] all behave equivalently, and
>> capture a data member with type `I`.
>> I don't see anything about this on
>> — Richard, you might be best able to describe the issue correctly ;) but if
>> you want me to file it, I will.  (Might be a corollary of bug 86697
>> <>.)
> Oh wow, so this would only fail with a combination of libstdc++ (which
> makes a copy of the lambda and destroy the original before copying the
> lambda) and GCC (which has a bug in how it determines the type of a nested
> capture)? Fascinating! :)
> [expr.prim.lambda.capture]p10 is the relevant rule: "The type of such a
> data member is the referenced type if the entity is a reference to an
> object, an lvalue reference to the referenced function type if the entity
> is a reference to a function, or the type of the corresponding captured
> entity otherwise."
> Regardless of whether you think the captured entity is the original
> variable or the member of the outer closure type, the type of that entity
> is not const-qualified. So the inner capture should not have a
> const-qualified type.
> Given that you identified the GCC capture bug, I think you should do the
> honors :)
>> Regardless, llvm::function_ref's SFINAE should still be fixed. This is a
>> bug in llvm::function_ref, exposed by a bug in GCC. (Or vice versa.)
> Yup.
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