mattdr marked an inline comment as done.
mattdr added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Target/X86/ImmutableGraph.h:366
+    std::vector<size_type> TrimmedNodes(TrimNodes.size());
+    for (size_type I = 0; I < TrimNodes.size(); ++I) {
+      TrimmedNodes[I] = TrimmedNodesSoFar;
craig.topper wrote:
> mattdr wrote:
> > Two comments here would make the code significantly easier to understand:
> > 1. Note that we're using `.size()` here rather than `.count()`, so we're 
> > actually iterating over *all* Node indices, not just the ones to be trimmed
> > 2. The `TrimmedNodes` vector maps indices in the original NodeSet to the 
> > number of `Node`s before that index that have been trimmed by that index, 
> > to allow later code to map elements to their new position in a dense array 
> > with the trimmed items removed
> I've stopped using TrimmedNodes.size() and TrimEdges.size() in favor of the 
> size methods from the graph which should make things more obvious.
> I renamed TrimmedNodes to RemappedNodeIndex and stored the new index rather 
> than the adjustment needed. I'm also changed it to walk nodes instead of 
> indices so we don't have to translate to Node to make the contains call.
> I also removed the NewNumEdges count_if and the if statement around the edge 
> loop from the loop below. I don't think that provided any value and just 
> complicated the code.
Many thanks! These changes make the code much more accessible.


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