kadircet added a comment.

In D77456#1991484 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D77456#1991484>, @sammccall wrote:

> No, I'm complaining about the space before the period in
>   Tests primality of `p` .
> and the plaintext rendering too
>   Tests primality of p .

Ah I see, yes this looks annoying, and it is only because the next block starts 
with a punctuation :/

> Two main objections to the idea of "raw":
> - we're going to emit arbitrary, potentially malformed markdown into the 
> markdown stream, which can have arbitrary effects/glitches. I'd rather the 
> emitter always emits valid markup and thus can't lose track of the context.
> - this assumes the input is markdown. I want `\c foo` to also render as 
> code-font `foo` in markdown and as backtick-foo in plaintext. So what do we 
> do there, generate markdown as a string and then emit it as a raw chunk? What 
> a mess.
>   I really do think what we want is a chunk with semantics "emphasized code" 
> that renders as a code span in markdown and as backtick-delimited text in 
> plaintext. Thus the proposal to put an emphasis bit on the code chunk. WDYT?

Sorry I wasn't clear on my comment. I was also suggesting putting some markdown 
generated by us while parsing the documentation into this raw field, which 
would be rendered as-is. In case we would like to perform this for other 
markers like `*`.
So going with an emphasis-only solution is also OK.

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