dblaikie added a comment.

In D76801#2005264 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D76801#2005264>, @labath wrote:

> In D76801#1997451 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D76801#1997451>, @dblaikie wrote:
> > Yeah, points all taken - as for this actual issue... I'm kind of inclined 
> > to say "hey, our template names already diverge somewhat - and this 
> > divergence is in the realm of acceptable by gdb (without an index) so... 
> > *thumbs up*/let's stick with it"
> Another interesting aspect here is that the DW_AT_name outputs depend on the 
> c++ standard versions used.

Yeah, I find that at least "weird", though not necessarily wrong.

> This means we could get mismatches even with the same compiler if some 
> compile units use `-std=c++98`, and others `-std>=c++11` (hardly a 
> recommended practice but it does work if one knows what he is doing). 
> Compatibility with another compiler is one thing, but maybe 
> self-compatibility is more important (and easier to achieve) ?

Yeah, I don't disagree with that - again, not quite sure I'd say it goes as far 
as "wrong" (I mean, DWARF doesn't spec this - so wrongness in our own judgment, 
not any authoritative sense) but yeah, perhaps insufficiently motivated 

> One way to  achieve that would be by printing all type names in c++98 mode, 
> which (IIUC) is the same thing as what the windows folks are requesting..

Fair enough - I wouldn't object to that change being made & just having it the 
same for MSVC and DWARF in this case. (it's a /bit/ less good for C++11 and 
above users to get names with the extra space, but seems minor enough perhaps 
not to bother trying to preserve it given the complicaitons)

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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