mspertus added a comment. I think the code is correct as written, see response in comment
================ Comment at: clang.natvis:77 @@ +76,3 @@ + + <!-- Unfortunately, Visual Studio has trouble seeing the PointerBitMask member PointerIntUnion, so I hardwire it to 2 bits--> + <Type Name="clang::DeclContext"> ---------------- aaron.ballman wrote: > The only hard-wiring I see uses 3 bits, so is this comment still accurate? I think the code is correct. ``` llvm::PointerIntPair<Decl *, 2, unsigned> NextInContextAndBits; ``` so `NextInContextAndBits` uses 2 bits for the `int` part. Just to be sure, I also double checked in the debugger (an `IntMask` of 3 represents two bits :) ), ``` ((((clang::DeclContext *)(clang::CXXRecordDecl *)D)->FirstDecl)->NextInContextAndBits).IntMask IntMask (3) llvm::PointerIntPair<clang::Decl *,2,unsigned int,llvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits<clang::Decl *> >::<unnamed-enum-PointerBitMask> ``` _______________________________________________ cfe-commits mailing list