balazske added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/ValistChecker.cpp:176-180
   if (const auto *DeclReg = Reg->getAs<DeclRegion>()) {
     if (isa<ParmVarDecl>(DeclReg->getDecl()))
       Reg = C.getState()->getSVal(SV.castAs<Loc>()).getAsRegion();
+  } else if (const auto *ParamReg = Reg->getAs<ParamRegion>()) {
+    Reg = C.getState()->getSVal(SV.castAs<Loc>()).getAsRegion();
baloghadamsoftware wrote:
> balazske wrote:
> > baloghadamsoftware wrote:
> > > Szelethus wrote:
> > > > This is interesting. I looked up `DeclRegion`, and it seems to be the 
> > > > region that is tied to a `ValueDecl`. `VarDecl` is a subtype of 
> > > > `ValueDecl`, and `ParmVarDecl` is a subtype of `VarDecl`, so wouldn't 
> > > > it make sense for `ParamRegion` to be a subtype of `VarRegion`?
> > > `DeclRegion` stores the `Decl`, `ParamRegion` retrieves it based on the 
> > > `Index` it stores. There is no is-a relation between them.
> > During the lifetime of a `ParamRegion` is it possible that it will return 
> > different `Decl` objects?
> @NoQ?
Purpose of the question is that if the answer is "no", the decl could be stored 
at construction of a `ParamRegion` and it could be a subclass of `DeclRegion`. 
From the code I do not see that the belonging `Decl` can change, probably yes 
if the stack frame changes somehow. So the reason to have the `ParamRegion` 
seems to be to have the expression and index available, maybe use these for 
profiling (instead of a `Decl`). Still it could be made a subclass of 
`DeclRegion` that stores additionally the expr and index and profiling works 
with these values.


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