miscco added a comment.

Awesome, Thank you very much, I dragged my feet on starting to implement 
something for real.

As a high level comment I think we need to handle requires expressions to get 
this correct, as `requires requires` would otherwise to bad things.

From my early brainstorming i got the following options I thought useful. This 
is in no ways a request for you to implement them, but I would want to get them 
out here in case they are usefull

  /// Different styles for merging short requires-clauses with the template
    /// decalaration
    enum ShortRequiresClauseStyle {
      /// Never merge requires clauses into a single line.
      /// \code
      ///   template <class T>
      ///   requires someConstraint<T>
      ///   T foo();
      /// \endcode
      /// Only merge requires clauses with a single constraint.
      /// \code
      ///   template <class T> requires someConstraint<T>
      ///   T foo();
      ///   template <class T>
      ///   requires someConstraint<T> && otherConstraint<T>
      ///   T bar();
      /// \endcode
      /// Merge requires clauses if they are short
      /// \code
      ///   template <class T> requires short<T> && shorter<T>
      ///   T foo();
      ///   template <class T>
      ///   requires someReallyLongElaborateConstraintThatIsReallyLong<T>
      ///   T bar();
      ///   template <class T>
      ///   requires someLongConstraint<T> && otherLongConstraint<T>
      ///   T baz();
      /// \endcode
      /// Always try to merge the requires clause with the template declaration
      /// \code
      ///   template <class T> requires someLongConstraint<T> &&
      ///                               otherLongConstraint<T>
      ///   T foo();
      /// \endcode
    /// Dependent on the value, requires-clauses can be put on the same line
    /// as the template declaration.
    ShortRequiresClauseStyle AllowShortRequiresClause;
    /// Dependent on the value, requires-expressions can be a single line
    /// Always try to merge the requires clause with the template declaration
    /// \code
    ///   template <class T> requires someLongConstraint<T> &&
    ///                               requires { T{}; }
    ///   T foo();
    /// \endcode
    bool AllowShortRequiresExpression;
     /// Dependent on the value break before or after constraint expressions.
    enum ConstraintExpressionBreakingStyle {
      /// Break after constraint expressions but multiple may be on single line
      /// \code
      ///   template <class T> requires someLongConstraint<T> &&
      ///                               otherLongConstraint<T>
      ///   T foo();
      ///   template <class T> requires short<T> && shorter<T> &&
      ///                               otherLongConstraint<T>
      ///   T bar();
      /// \endcode
      /// Break after constraint expressions.
      /// \code
      ///   template <class T> requires short<T> &&
      ///                               shorter<T> &&
      ///                               otherLongConstraint<T>
      ///   T bar();
      /// \endcode
      /// Break before constraint expressions but multiple may be on single line
      /// \code
      ///   template <class T> requires someLongConstraint<T> &&
      ///                               otherLongConstraint<T>
      ///   T foo();
      ///   template <class T> requires short<T> && shorter<T>
      ///                            && otherLongConstraint<T>
      ///   T bar();
      /// \endcode
      /// Break before constraint expressions.
      /// \code
      ///   template <class T> requires short<T>
      ///                            && shorter<T>
      ///                            && otherLongConstraint<T>
      ///   T foo();
      /// \endcode
    /// The constraint expressions style to use.
    ConstraintExpressionBreakingStyle BreakBeforeConstraintExpression;
    /// Dependent on the value wrap before or after requires expressions.
    enum BraceWrappingRequiresExpressionStyle {
      /// Do not wrap braces of requires expressions
      /// \code
      ///   template <class T> requires requires {  T{};
      ///                                           T(int); }
      ///   T foo();
      /// \endcode
      /// Wrap after requires expressions.
      /// \code
      ///   template <class T> requires requires { T{};
      ///                                          T(int);
      ///                                        }
      ///   T foo();
      /// \endcode
      /// Wrap after requires expressions.
      /// \code
      ///   template <class T> requires requires
      ///                               { T{};
      ///                                 T(int); }
      ///   T foo();
      /// \endcode
      /// Wrap after requires expressions with a new line.
      /// \code
      ///   template <class T> requires requires
      ///                               {
      ///                                 T{};
      ///                                 T(int); }
      ///   T foo();
      /// \endcode
      /// Wrap before requires expressions.
      /// \code
      ///   template <class T> requires requires
      ///                               { T{};
      ///                                 T(int);
      ///                               }
      ///   T foo();
      /// \endcode
      /// Wrap before requires expressions.
      /// \code
      ///   template <class T> requires requires
      ///                               {
      ///                                 T{};
      ///                                 T(int);
      ///                               }
      ///   T foo();
      /// \endcode
    /// The requires expressions style to use.
    BraceWrappingRequiresExpressionStyle BraceWrappingRequiresExpression;

My problem was that I had no idea how to properly tokenize the 
logical-or-constraint-expression. I have pushed my super clumsy WIP stuff here:

If I can help you in any way please tell me

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.cpp:1566
       Current.Type = TT_TrailingReturnArrow;
+    } else if (Current.is(tok::arrow) && Current.Previous &&
+               Current.Previous->is(tok::r_brace)) {
Should that really be `tok::arrow` and not `tok::kw_requires`?

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.cpp:3484
+  // concept ...
+  if (Left.is(TT_TemplateCloser) && Right.is(tok::kw_concept))
+    return true;
I think we should have an option to allow short requires clauses on the same 
line similar to allow short functions

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/UnwrappedLineParser.cpp:2284
+void UnwrappedLineParser::parseRequires() {
+  assert(FormatTok->Tok.is(tok::kw_requires) && "'requires' expected");
I believe we should separate between constraint expressions aka: `tempalte<  > 
requires Concept1 && Concept2` and requires expressions aka `requires { ... }`

The two are quite different. That said the handling of requires expressions 
should be "simple" as we only need to find the matching "}". 

As an upside this would also handle the famous `requires requires`



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