MaskRay added a comment.

I am still trying to read the logic. Some comments to the tests. Some comments 
are applicable to other tests.

Comment at: llvm/test/Instrumentation/HeapProfiling/basic.ll:22
+; CHECK:   %[[LOAD_ADDR:[^ ]*]] = ptrtoint i32* %a to i64
+; CHECK:   %[[MASKED_ADDR:[^ ]*]] = and i64 %[[LOAD_ADDR]], -64
+; CHECK-S3:   %[[SHIFTED_ADDR:[^ ]*]] = lshr i64 %[[MASKED_ADDR]], 3
It is important to add some `-NEXT:` here for better FileCheck diagnostics when 
things change.

Comment at: llvm/test/Instrumentation/HeapProfiling/basic.ll:23
+; CHECK:   %[[MASKED_ADDR:[^ ]*]] = and i64 %[[LOAD_ADDR]], -64
+; CHECK-S3:   %[[SHIFTED_ADDR:[^ ]*]] = lshr i64 %[[MASKED_ADDR]], 3
+; CHECK-S5:   %[[SHIFTED_ADDR:[^ ]*]] = lshr i64 %[[MASKED_ADDR]], 5
`CHECK-S3-NEXT` can follow `CHECK-NEXT`

Comment at: llvm/test/Instrumentation/HeapProfiling/basic.ll:54
+define void @LongDoubleTest(x86_fp80* nocapture %a) nounwind uwtable {
FP80Test may be more suitable.

(-mlong-double-128 can change the width)

Comment at: llvm/test/Instrumentation/HeapProfiling/basic.ll:61
+; Exactly one shadow update for store access.
+; CHECK-COUNT-1: %[[NEW_ST_SHADOW:[^ ]*]] = add i64 %{{.*}}, 1
+; CHECK-COUNT-1: store i64 %[[NEW_ST_SHADOW]]
`CHECK-COUNT-1` here is actually identical to a `CHECK`. If there are two 
repeated lines, the pattern will still match.

Suggest deleting `-COUNT-1`. Change the next `CHECK` to a `CHECK-NEXT: store 
x86_fp80 0xK3FFF8000000000000000, x86_fp80* %a`

Comment at: 
+; CHECK-CALL-COUNT-4: call void @__heapprof_load
+; CHECK-CALL-NOT: call void @__heapprof_load
+; CHECK-CUSTOM-PREFIX-COUNT-4: call void @__foo_load
With appropriate `-NEXT:` patterns, `-NOT` is not really needed.

It is also important to test the argument passed to `__heapprof_load`

Comment at: llvm/test/Instrumentation/HeapProfiling/scale-granularity.ll:13
+; CHECK-GRAN-LABEL: @read_granularity
(Optional) One style I try to do to improve readability: when `-LABEL` or 
`-NEXT` is used, indent CHECK lines more than the `-LABEL`

; CHECK-GRAN-LABEL: @read_granularity(
; CHECK-GRAN:         and {{.*}} -32
; CHECK-GRAN-NEXT:    lshr {{.*}} 3

Comment at: llvm/test/Instrumentation/HeapProfiling/scale-granularity.ll:19
+define i32 @read_scale(i32* %a) {
The IR of these functions is the same. Consider using one function with 
different sets of CHECK lines.

Comment at: llvm/test/Instrumentation/HeapProfiling/version-mismatch-check.ll:4
+; RUN: opt < %s -heapprof-module                                        -S | 
FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt < %s -heapprof-module -heapprof-guard-against-version-mismatch=0 -S 
| FileCheck %s --check-prefix=NOGUARD
`|` is misaligned. Consider not aligning at all

Comment at: llvm/test/Instrumentation/HeapProfiling/version-mismatch-check.ll:11
+; CHECK-LABEL: define internal void @heapprof.module_ctor()
+; CHECK:         call void @__heapprof_version_mismatch_check_
+; NOGUARD-NOT:   call void @__heapprof_version_mismatch_check_
`call void @__heapprof_version_mismatch_check_v1()`

Otherwise there is no test checking the exact version.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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