kuhar added a comment.

Hi Nicoali,

In D83088#2227151 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D83088#2227151>, @nhaehnle wrote:

> ...
> Take a look here for example: 
> https://github.com/nhaehnle/llvm-project/blob/715450fa7f968ceefaf9c3b04b47066866c97206/llvm/lib/Analysis/GenericConvergenceUtils.cpp#L499
>  -- this is obviously still fairly simple, but it's an example of printing 
> out the results of an analysis in a way that's generic over the underlying 
> CFG and SSA form. A statically polymorphic wrapper is here: 
> https://github.com/nhaehnle/llvm-project/blob/715450fa7f968ceefaf9c3b04b47066866c97206/llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/GenericConvergenceUtils.h#L569
> The simple example might be bearable writing as a template, precisely because 
> it's simple -- so only looking at simple examples is unlikely to really 
> capture the motivation. Really what the motivation boils down to is stuff 
> like this: 
> https://github.com/nhaehnle/llvm-project/blob/controlflow-wip-v7/llvm/lib/Analysis/GenericUniformAnalysis.cpp
>  -- I don't fancy writing all this as a template.
> Thid motivation would essentially go away if C++ could type-check against 
> traits in the way that Rust and other languages like it can -- but it can't, 
> so here we are.

Based on your description and the DomTree patches, if I understand correctly, 
the primary motivation is to facilitate writing CFG-representation-agnostic 
algorithms/analyses (e.g., dominators, divergence, convergence analyses), such 
that you can later lift the results back to the representation-aware types? If 
that's correct, I support the overall goal. Having spent probably ~weeks 
wrangling with domtree templates, this sounds like something that could 
simplify life a lot and potentially cut down on compilation times & sizes of 
llvm binaries.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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