hoy added a comment.

In D86193#2240596 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193#2240596>, @wmi wrote:

> In D86193#2240502 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193#2240502>, @hoy wrote:
>> In D86193#2240353 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193#2240353>, @wmi wrote:
>>>> There are some optimizations such as if-convert, tail call elimination, 
>>>> that were initially blocked by the pseudo probe intrinsic but is now 
>>>> unblocked by fixes included in this change. With the current change we do 
>>>> not see perf degradation out of SPEC and one of our internal large 
>>>> services.
>>>> The main optimizations left blocked intentionally are those that merge 
>>>> blocks for smaller code size, such as tail merge which is the opposite of 
>>>> jump threading. We believe that those optimizations are not very 
>>>> beneficial for performance and AutoFDO.
>>> If the optimizations are not very beneficial for performance and AutoFDO 
>>> and should be blocked, it may be better to block them in a more general way 
>>> and not depend on pseudo probe, because blocking them may also be 
>>> beneficial for debug info based AutoFDO.
>> In theory, yes, we should have a black list of transforms (mainly related to 
>> block merge) that are not needed by AutoFDO and block them. In reality it 
>> might take quite some efforts to figure them out. Pseudo probe, on the other 
>> hand, starts with blocking those transforms in the first place and relax the 
>> ones that might actually help AutoFDO.
>>> Another reason is that pseudo probe looks pretty much like debug 
>>> information to me. They are used to annotate the IR but shouldn't affect 
>>> the transformation. Binaries built w/wo debug information are required to 
>>> be identical in LLVM. I think that requirement could be applied on pseudo 
>>> probe as well. It is even better to have some test to enforce it so that no 
>>> change in the future could break the requirement.
>> Good point! Yes, pseudo probe is implemented in a similar way with the debug 
>> intrinsics. However they are not guaranteed to not affect the codegen since 
>> its main purpose is to achieve an accurate profile correlation with low 
>> cost. Regarding the cost, it sits somewhere between the debug intrinsics and 
>> the PGO instrumentation and close to a zero cost in practice.
> I see. It makes sense to fix up some important transformations to achieve the 
> goal of low cost. To achieve the goal of not affecting codegen needs a lot 
> more effort to test and fix up all over the pipeline. I don't mean to have it 
> ready in the patch, but I think it maybe something worthy to strive for later 
> on.

Sounds good, we will be accumulating a list of AutoFDO-unfriendly transforms 
over time.

>> Agreed that it would be better to have tests protect the pseudo probe cost 
>> from going too high, but not sure which optimizations we should start with. 
>> Maybe to start with some critical optimizations like inlining, vectorization?
> The test I have in my mind comes from debug info. It is to bootstrap llvm 
> with and without debug information. The test is to check whether the binaries 
> built after stripping the debug information are identical. I am thinking 
> pseudo probe can have such test setup somewhere sometime in the future. Same 
> as above, it doesn't have to be ready currently.

I like the idea. It would catch a regression on pseudo probe with new 
optimization changes. Let me think about it. Thanks!

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