martong added a comment.

In D86736#2247035 <>, @Szelethus wrote:

> In D86736#2244365 <>, @martong wrote:
>>> For any other loops, in order to know whether we should analyze another 
>>> iteration, among other things, we evaluate it's condition. Which is a 
>>> problem for ObjCForCollectionStmt, because it simply doesn't have one
>> Shouldn't we try to fix the ObjCForCollectionStmt in the AST rather? By 
>> adding the condition to that as a (sub)expression? There are already many 
>> discrepancies and inconsistencies between supposedly similar AST nodes, and 
>> people do fix them occasionally (e.g. D81787 
>> <>).
> To be fair, before I say anything, I don't know much about Objective C, but I 
> don't think this is a bug. This is just how for each loops are in it. The C++ 
> standard specifies <> that ranged based 
> for loops must be equivalent to a pre-C++11 loop, hence the implicit 
> condition in the AST. I think this is the same kind of annoyance we chatted 
> about regarding virtuality in the AST -- even if a method is virtual, it may 
> not show up as such in the AST if the keyword itself is absent.
>> To be honest, it seems a bit off to store some parts of the liveness info in 
>> the GDM while other parts not in the GDM ...
> There is no liveness to talk about here, it just simply doesn't make sense. 
> This is just a property: "Does this loop have any more iterations left?". 
> While the earlier hack looks convincing that this has something more to it, 
> it really doesn't. In fact, this patch demonstrates it quite well: we only 
> need to keep track of this information until we make a state split, so 
> theoretically, we could just pass this along as a parameter. The only thing 
> holding me back from that solution is that it would be a lot more disruptive 
> change, and would require a change to the `checkBranchCondition` callback.

Ok, fair enough.

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/ProgramState.cpp:327
+using ObjCForLctxPair =
+    std::pair<const ObjCForCollectionStmt *, const LocationContext *>;
Why it is not enough to simply have ObjCForCollectionStmt* as a key?

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