ASDenysPetrov updated this revision to Diff 290135.



Index: clang/test/Analysis/Checkers/CPlusPlus11LockChecker.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/Analysis/Checkers/CPlusPlus11LockChecker.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1111 @@
+// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -analyzer-checker=alpha.cplusplus.CPlusPlus11Lock -verify %s
+namespace std {
+namespace chrono {
+using duration = int;
+using time_point = int;
+} // namespace chrono
+struct mutex {
+  void lock();
+  bool try_lock();
+  void unlock();
+struct timed_mutex {
+  void lock();
+  bool try_lock();
+  bool try_lock_for(std::chrono::duration);
+  bool try_lock_until(std::chrono::time_point);
+  void unlock();
+struct recursive_mutex {
+  void lock();
+  bool try_lock();
+  void unlock();
+struct recursive_timed_mutex {
+  void lock();
+  bool try_lock();
+  bool try_lock_for(std::chrono::duration);
+  bool try_lock_until(std::chrono::time_point);
+  void unlock();
+struct shared_mutex {
+  void lock();
+  bool try_lock();
+  void unlock();
+  void lock_shared();
+  bool try_lock_shared();
+  void unlock_shared();
+struct shared_timed_mutex {
+  void lock();
+  bool try_lock();
+  bool try_lock_for(std::chrono::duration);
+  bool try_lock_until(std::chrono::time_point);
+  void unlock();
+  void lock_shared();
+  bool try_lock_shared();
+  bool try_lock_shared_for(std::chrono::duration);
+  bool try_lock_shared_until(std::chrono::time_point);
+  void unlock_shared();
+template <typename T>
+struct lock_guard {
+  T &t;
+  lock_guard(T &m) : t(m) {
+    t.lock();
+  }
+  ~lock_guard() {
+    t.unlock();
+  }
+template <typename T>
+struct shared_lock {
+  T &t;
+  shared_lock(T &m) : t(m) {
+    t.lock_shared();
+  }
+  ~shared_lock() {
+    t.unlock_shared();
+  }
+} // namespace std
+std::mutex m1;
+std::mutex m2;
+// mutex ok
+void m_ok1() {
+  m1.lock(); // no-warning
+void m_ok2() {
+  m1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void m_ok3() {
+  m1.lock();   // no-warning
+  m1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void m_ok4() {
+  m1.lock();   // no-warning
+  m1.unlock(); // no-warning
+  m1.lock();   // no-warning
+  m1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void m_ok5() {
+  m1.lock();   // no-warning
+  m1.unlock(); // no-warning
+  m2.lock();   // no-warning
+  m2.unlock(); // no-warning
+void m_ok6(void) {
+  m1.lock();   // no-warning
+  m2.lock();   // no-warning
+  m2.unlock(); // no-warning
+  m1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void m_ok7(void) {
+  if (m1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    m1.unlock();     // no-warning
+void m_ok8(void) {
+  m1.unlock();       // no-warning
+  if (m1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    m1.unlock();     // no-warning
+void m_ok9(void) {
+  if (!m1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    m1.lock();        // no-warning
+  m1.unlock();        // no-warning
+void m_ok10() {
+  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> gl(m1); // no-warning
+// mutex bad
+void m_bad1() {
+  m1.lock(); // no-warning
+  m1.lock(); // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void m_bad2() {
+  m1.lock();   // no-warning
+  m1.unlock(); // no-warning
+  m1.unlock(); // expected-warning {{This lock has already been unlocked}}
+void m_bad3() {
+  m1.lock();   // no-warning
+  m2.lock();   // no-warning
+  m1.unlock(); // expected-warning {{This was not the most recently acquired lock. Possible lock order reversal}}
+  m2.unlock(); // no-warning
+void m_bad5() {
+  while (true)
+    m1.unlock(); // expected-warning {{This lock has already been unlocked}}
+void m_bad6() {
+  while (true)
+    m1.lock(); // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void m_bad7() {
+  if (m1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    m1.lock();       // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+std::timed_mutex tm1;
+std::timed_mutex tm2;
+// timed_mutex ok
+void tm_ok1() {
+  tm1.lock(); // no-warning
+void tm_ok2() {
+  tm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void tm_ok3() {
+  tm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  tm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void tm_ok4() {
+  tm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  tm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+  tm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  tm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void tm_ok5() {
+  tm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  tm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+  tm2.lock();   // no-warning
+  tm2.unlock(); // no-warning
+void tm_ok6(void) {
+  tm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  tm2.lock();   // no-warning
+  tm2.unlock(); // no-warning
+  tm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void tm_ok7(void) {
+  if (tm1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    tm1.unlock();     // no-warning
+void tm_ok8(void) {
+  tm1.unlock();       // no-warning
+  if (tm1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    tm1.unlock();     // no-warning
+void tm_ok9(void) {
+  if (!tm1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    tm1.lock();        // no-warning
+  tm1.unlock();        // no-warning
+void tm_ok10(void) {
+  if (tm1.try_lock_for(std::chrono::duration(1))) // no-warning
+    tm1.unlock();                                 // no-warning
+void tm_ok11(void) {
+  tm1.unlock();                                   // no-warning
+  if (tm1.try_lock_for(std::chrono::duration(1))) // no-warning
+    tm1.unlock();                                 // no-warning
+void tm_ok12(void) {
+  if (!tm1.try_lock_for(std::chrono::duration(1))) // no-warning
+    tm1.lock();                                    // no-warning
+  tm1.unlock();                                    // no-warning
+void tm_ok13(void) {
+  if (tm1.try_lock_until(std::chrono::time_point(1))) // no-warning
+    tm1.unlock();                                     // no-warning
+void tm_ok14(void) {
+  tm1.unlock();                                       // no-warning
+  if (tm1.try_lock_until(std::chrono::time_point(1))) // no-warning
+    tm1.unlock();                                     // no-warning
+void tm_ok15(void) {
+  if (!tm1.try_lock_until(std::chrono::time_point(1))) // no-warning
+    tm1.lock();                                        // no-warning
+  tm1.unlock();                                        // no-warning
+void tm_ok16() {
+  std::lock_guard<std::timed_mutex> gl(tm1); // no-warning
+// timed_mutex bad
+void tm_bad1() {
+  tm1.lock(); // no-warning
+  tm1.lock(); // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void tm_bad2() {
+  tm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  tm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+  tm1.unlock(); // expected-warning {{This lock has already been unlocked}}
+void tm_bad3() {
+  tm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  tm2.lock();   // no-warning
+  tm1.unlock(); // expected-warning {{This was not the most recently acquired lock. Possible lock order reversal}}
+  tm2.unlock(); // no-warning
+void tm_bad5() {
+  while (true)
+    tm1.unlock(); // expected-warning {{This lock has already been unlocked}}
+void tm_bad6() {
+  while (true)
+    tm1.lock(); // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void tm_bad7() {
+  if (tm1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    tm1.lock();       // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void tm_bad8() {
+  if (tm1.try_lock_for(std::chrono::duration(1))) // no-warning
+    tm1.lock();                                   // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void tm_bad9() {
+  if (tm1.try_lock_until(std::chrono::time_point(1))) // no-warning
+    tm1.lock();                                       // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+std::recursive_mutex rm1;
+std::recursive_mutex rm2;
+// recursive_mutex ok
+void rm_ok1() {
+  rm1.lock(); // no-warning
+void rm_ok2() {
+  rm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void rm_ok3() {
+  rm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  rm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void rm_ok4() {
+  rm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  rm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+  rm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  rm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void rm_ok5() {
+  rm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  rm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+  rm2.lock();   // no-warning
+  rm2.unlock(); // no-warning
+void rm_ok6(void) {
+  rm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  rm2.lock();   // no-warning
+  rm2.unlock(); // no-warning
+  rm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void rm_ok7(void) {
+  if (rm1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    rm1.unlock();     // no-warning
+void rm_ok8(void) {
+  rm1.unlock();       // no-warning
+  if (rm1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    rm1.unlock();     // no-warning
+void rm_ok9(void) {
+  if (!rm1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    rm1.lock();        // no-warning
+  rm1.unlock();        // no-warning
+void rm_ok10() {
+  std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> gl(rm1); // no-warning
+// recursive_mutex bad
+void rm_bad1() {
+  rm1.lock(); // no-warning
+  rm1.lock(); // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void rm_bad2() {
+  rm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  rm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+  rm1.unlock(); // expected-warning {{This lock has already been unlocked}}
+void rm_bad3() {
+  rm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  rm2.lock();   // no-warning
+  rm1.unlock(); // expected-warning {{This was not the most recently acquired lock. Possible lock order reversal}}
+  rm2.unlock(); // no-warning
+void rm_bad5() {
+  while (true)
+    rm1.unlock(); // expected-warning {{This lock has already been unlocked}}
+void rm_bad6() {
+  while (true)
+    rm1.lock(); // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void rm_bad7() {
+  if (rm1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    rm1.lock();       // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+std::recursive_timed_mutex rtm1;
+std::recursive_timed_mutex rtm2;
+// recursive_timed_mutex ok
+void rtm_ok1() {
+  rtm1.lock(); // no-warning
+void rtm_ok2() {
+  rtm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void rtm_ok3() {
+  rtm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  rtm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void rtm_ok4() {
+  rtm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  rtm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+  rtm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  rtm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void rtm_ok5() {
+  rtm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  rtm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+  rtm2.lock();   // no-warning
+  rtm2.unlock(); // no-warning
+void rtm_ok6(void) {
+  rtm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  rtm2.lock();   // no-warning
+  rtm2.unlock(); // no-warning
+  rtm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void rtm_ok7(void) {
+  if (rtm1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    rtm1.unlock();     // no-warning
+void rtm_ok8(void) {
+  rtm1.unlock();       // no-warning
+  if (rtm1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    rtm1.unlock();     // no-warning
+void rtm_ok9(void) {
+  if (!rtm1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    rtm1.lock();        // no-warning
+  rtm1.unlock();        // no-warning
+void rtm_ok10(void) {
+  if (rtm1.try_lock_for(std::chrono::duration(1))) // no-warning
+    rtm1.unlock();                                 // no-warning
+void rtm_ok11(void) {
+  rtm1.unlock();                                   // no-warning
+  if (rtm1.try_lock_for(std::chrono::duration(1))) // no-warning
+    rtm1.unlock();                                 // no-warning
+void rtm_ok12(void) {
+  if (!rtm1.try_lock_for(std::chrono::duration(1))) // no-warning
+    rtm1.lock();                                    // no-warning
+  rtm1.unlock();                                    // no-warning
+void rtm_ok13(void) {
+  if (rtm1.try_lock_until(std::chrono::time_point(1))) // no-warning
+    rtm1.unlock();                                     // no-warning
+void rtm_ok14(void) {
+  rtm1.unlock();                                       // no-warning
+  if (rtm1.try_lock_until(std::chrono::time_point(1))) // no-warning
+    rtm1.unlock();                                     // no-warning
+void rtm_ok15(void) {
+  if (!rtm1.try_lock_until(std::chrono::time_point(1))) // no-warning
+    rtm1.lock();                                        // no-warning
+  rtm1.unlock();                                        // no-warning
+void rtm_ok16() {
+  std::lock_guard<std::recursive_timed_mutex> gl(rtm1); // no-warning
+// recursive_timed_mutex bad
+void rtm_bad1() {
+  rtm1.lock(); // no-warning
+  rtm1.lock(); // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void rtm_bad2() {
+  rtm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  rtm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+  rtm1.unlock(); // expected-warning {{This lock has already been unlocked}}
+void rtm_bad3() {
+  rtm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  rtm2.lock();   // no-warning
+  rtm1.unlock(); // expected-warning {{This was not the most recently acquired lock. Possible lock order reversal}}
+  rtm2.unlock(); // no-warning
+void rtm_bad5() {
+  while (true)
+    rtm1.unlock(); // expected-warning {{This lock has already been unlocked}}
+void rtm_bad6() {
+  while (true)
+    rtm1.lock(); // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void rtm_bad7() {
+  if (rtm1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    rtm1.lock();       // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void rtm_bad8() {
+  if (rtm1.try_lock_for(std::chrono::duration(1))) // no-warning
+    rtm1.lock();                                   // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void rtm_bad9() {
+  if (rtm1.try_lock_until(std::chrono::time_point(1))) // no-warning
+    rtm1.lock();                                       // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+std::shared_mutex sm1;
+std::shared_mutex sm2;
+// shared_mutex ok
+void sm_ok1() {
+  sm1.lock(); // no-warning
+void sm_ok2() {
+  sm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void sm_ok3() {
+  sm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void sm_ok4() {
+  sm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+  sm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void sm_ok5() {
+  sm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+  sm2.lock();   // no-warning
+  sm2.unlock(); // no-warning
+void sm_ok6(void) {
+  sm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  sm2.lock();   // no-warning
+  sm2.unlock(); // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void sm_ok7(void) {
+  if (sm1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    sm1.unlock();     // no-warning
+void sm_ok8(void) {
+  sm1.unlock();       // no-warning
+  if (sm1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    sm1.unlock();     // no-warning
+void sm_ok9(void) {
+  if (!sm1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    sm1.lock();        // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock();        // no-warning
+void sm_ok10() {
+  std::lock_guard<std::shared_mutex> gl(sm1); // no-warning
+// shared_mutex bad
+void sm_bad1() {
+  sm1.lock(); // no-warning
+  sm1.lock(); // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void sm_bad2() {
+  sm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock(); // expected-warning {{This lock has already been unlocked}}
+void sm_bad3() {
+  sm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  sm2.lock();   // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock(); // expected-warning {{This was not the most recently acquired lock. Possible lock order reversal}}
+  sm2.unlock(); // no-warning
+void sm_bad5() {
+  while (true)
+    sm1.unlock(); // expected-warning {{This lock has already been unlocked}}
+void sm_bad6() {
+  while (true)
+    sm1.lock(); // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void sm_bad7() {
+  if (sm1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    sm1.lock();       // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+// shared_mutex ok (shared semantics)
+void sms_ok1() {
+  sm1.lock_shared(); // no-warning
+void sms_ok2() {
+  sm1.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+void sms_ok3() {
+  sm1.lock_shared();   // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+void sms_ok4() {
+  sm1.lock_shared();   // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+  sm1.lock_shared();   // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+void sms_ok5() {
+  sm1.lock_shared();   // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+  sm2.lock_shared();   // no-warning
+  sm2.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+void sms_ok6(void) {
+  sm1.lock_shared();   // no-warning
+  sm2.lock_shared();   // no-warning
+  sm2.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+void sms_ok7(void) {
+  if (sm1.try_lock_shared()) // no-warning
+    sm1.unlock_shared();     // no-warning
+void sms_ok8(void) {
+  sm1.unlock_shared();       // no-warning
+  if (sm1.try_lock_shared()) // no-warning
+    sm1.unlock_shared();     // no-warning
+void sms_ok9(void) {
+  if (!sm1.try_lock_shared()) // no-warning
+    sm1.lock_shared();        // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock_shared();        // no-warning
+void sms_ok10() {
+  std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> gl(sm1); // no-warning
+// shared_mutex bad (shared semantics)
+void sms_bad1() {
+  sm1.lock_shared(); // no-warning
+  sm1.lock_shared(); // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void sms_bad2() {
+  sm1.lock();        // no-warning
+  sm1.lock_shared(); // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void sms_bad3() {
+  sm1.lock_shared(); // no-warning
+  sm1.lock();        // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void sms_bad4() {
+  sm1.lock_shared();   // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock_shared(); // expected-warning {{This lock has already been unlocked}}
+void sms_bad5() {
+  sm1.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock();        // expected-warning {{This lock has already been unlocked}}
+void sms_bad6() {
+  sm1.unlock();        // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock_shared(); // expected-warning {{This lock has already been unlocked}}
+void sms_bad7() {
+  sm1.lock_shared();   // no-warning
+  sm2.lock_shared();   // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock_shared(); // expected-warning {{This was not the most recently acquired lock. Possible lock order reversal}}
+  sm2.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+void sms_bad8() {
+  while (true)
+    sm1.unlock_shared(); // expected-warning {{This lock has already been unlocked}}
+void sms_bad9() {
+  while (true)
+    sm1.lock_shared(); // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void sms_bad10() {
+  if (sm1.try_lock_shared()) // no-warning
+    sm1.lock_shared();       // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void sms_bad11() {
+  sm1.lock_shared(); // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock();      // expected-warning{{This lock has been acquired as shared, but exclusive unlock used}}
+void sms_bad12() {
+  sm1.lock();          // no-warning
+  sm1.unlock_shared(); // expected-warning{{This lock has been acquired exclusively, but shared unlock used}}
+void sms_bad13() {
+  if (sm1.try_lock_shared()) // no-warning
+    sm1.unlock();            // expected-warning{{This lock has been acquired as shared, but exclusive unlock used}}
+void sms_bad14() {
+  if (sm1.try_lock())    // no-warning
+    sm1.unlock_shared(); // expected-warning{{This lock has been acquired exclusively, but shared unlock used}}
+std::shared_timed_mutex stm1;
+std::shared_timed_mutex stm2;
+// shared_timed_mutex ok
+void stm_ok1() {
+  stm1.lock(); // no-warning
+void stm_ok2() {
+  stm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void stm_ok3() {
+  stm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void stm_ok4() {
+  stm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+  stm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void stm_ok5() {
+  stm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+  stm2.lock();   // no-warning
+  stm2.unlock(); // no-warning
+void stm_ok6(void) {
+  stm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  stm2.lock();   // no-warning
+  stm2.unlock(); // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+void stm_ok7(void) {
+  if (stm1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    stm1.unlock();     // no-warning
+void stm_ok8(void) {
+  stm1.unlock();       // no-warning
+  if (stm1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    stm1.unlock();     // no-warning
+void stm_ok9(void) {
+  if (!stm1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    stm1.lock();        // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock();        // no-warning
+void stm_ok10(void) {
+  if (stm1.try_lock_for(std::chrono::duration(1))) // no-warning
+    stm1.unlock();                                 // no-warning
+void stm_ok11(void) {
+  stm1.unlock();                                   // no-warning
+  if (stm1.try_lock_for(std::chrono::duration(1))) // no-warning
+    stm1.unlock();                                 // no-warning
+void stm_ok12(void) {
+  if (!stm1.try_lock_for(std::chrono::duration(1))) // no-warning
+    stm1.lock();                                    // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock();                                    // no-warning
+void stm_ok13(void) {
+  if (stm1.try_lock_until(std::chrono::time_point(1))) // no-warning
+    stm1.unlock();                                     // no-warning
+void stm_ok14(void) {
+  stm1.unlock();                                       // no-warning
+  if (stm1.try_lock_until(std::chrono::time_point(1))) // no-warning
+    stm1.unlock();                                     // no-warning
+void stm_ok15(void) {
+  if (!stm1.try_lock_until(std::chrono::time_point(1))) // no-warning
+    stm1.lock();                                        // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock();                                        // no-warning
+void stm_ok16() {
+  std::lock_guard<std::shared_timed_mutex> gl(stm1); // no-warning
+// shared_timed_mutex bad
+void stm_bad1() {
+  stm1.lock(); // no-warning
+  stm1.lock(); // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void stm_bad2() {
+  stm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock(); // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock(); // expected-warning {{This lock has already been unlocked}}
+void stm_bad3() {
+  stm1.lock();   // no-warning
+  stm2.lock();   // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock(); // expected-warning {{This was not the most recently acquired lock. Possible lock order reversal}}
+  stm2.unlock(); // no-warning
+void stm_bad5() {
+  while (true)
+    stm1.unlock(); // expected-warning {{This lock has already been unlocked}}
+void stm_bad6() {
+  while (true)
+    stm1.lock(); // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void stm_bad7() {
+  if (stm1.try_lock()) // no-warning
+    stm1.lock();       // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void stm_bad8() {
+  if (stm1.try_lock_for(std::chrono::duration(1))) // no-warning
+    stm1.lock();                                   // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void stm_bad9() {
+  if (stm1.try_lock_until(std::chrono::time_point(1))) // no-warning
+    stm1.lock();                                       // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+// shared_timed_mutex ok (shared semantics)
+void stms_ok1() {
+  stm1.lock_shared(); // no-warning
+void stms_ok2() {
+  stm1.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+void stms_ok3() {
+  stm1.lock_shared();   // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+void stms_ok4() {
+  stm1.lock_shared();   // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+  stm1.lock_shared();   // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+void stms_ok5() {
+  stm1.lock_shared();   // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+  stm2.lock_shared();   // no-warning
+  stm2.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+void stms_ok6(void) {
+  stm1.lock_shared();   // no-warning
+  stm2.lock_shared();   // no-warning
+  stm2.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+void stms_ok7(void) {
+  if (stm1.try_lock_shared()) // no-warning
+    stm1.unlock_shared();     // no-warning
+void stms_ok8(void) {
+  stm1.unlock_shared();       // no-warning
+  if (stm1.try_lock_shared()) // no-warning
+    stm1.unlock_shared();     // no-warning
+void stms_ok9(void) {
+  if (!stm1.try_lock_shared()) // no-warning
+    stm1.lock_shared();        // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock_shared();        // no-warning
+void stms_ok10(void) {
+  if (stm1.try_lock_shared_for(std::chrono::duration(1))) // no-warning
+    stm1.unlock_shared();                                 // no-warning
+void stms_ok11(void) {
+  stm1.unlock_shared();                                   // no-warning
+  if (stm1.try_lock_shared_for(std::chrono::duration(1))) // no-warning
+    stm1.unlock_shared();                                 // no-warning
+void stms_ok12(void) {
+  if (!stm1.try_lock_shared_for(std::chrono::duration(1))) // no-warning
+    stm1.lock_shared();                                    // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock_shared();                                    // no-warning
+void stms_ok13(void) {
+  if (stm1.try_lock_shared_until(std::chrono::time_point(1))) // no-warning
+    stm1.unlock_shared();                                     // no-warning
+void stms_ok14(void) {
+  stm1.unlock_shared();                                       // no-warning
+  if (stm1.try_lock_shared_until(std::chrono::time_point(1))) // no-warning
+    stm1.unlock_shared();                                     // no-warning
+void stms_ok15(void) {
+  if (!stm1.try_lock_shared_until(std::chrono::time_point(1))) // no-warning
+    stm1.lock_shared();                                        // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock_shared();                                        // no-warning
+void stms_ok16() {
+  std::shared_lock<std::shared_timed_mutex> gl(stm1); // no-warning
+// shared_timed_mutex bad (shared semantics)
+void stms_bad1() {
+  stm1.lock_shared(); // no-warning
+  stm1.lock_shared(); // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void stms_bad2() {
+  stm1.lock();        // no-warning
+  stm1.lock_shared(); // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void stms_bad3() {
+  stm1.lock_shared(); // no-warning
+  stm1.lock();        // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void stms_bad4() {
+  stm1.lock_shared();   // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock_shared(); // expected-warning {{This lock has already been unlocked}}
+void stms_bad5() {
+  stm1.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock();        // expected-warning {{This lock has already been unlocked}}
+void stms_bad6() {
+  stm1.unlock();        // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock_shared(); // expected-warning {{This lock has already been unlocked}}
+void stms_bad7() {
+  stm1.lock_shared();   // no-warning
+  stm2.lock_shared();   // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock_shared(); // expected-warning {{This was not the most recently acquired lock. Possible lock order reversal}}
+  stm2.unlock_shared(); // no-warning
+void stms_bad8() {
+  while (true)
+    stm1.unlock_shared(); // expected-warning {{This lock has already been unlocked}}
+void stms_bad9() {
+  while (true)
+    stm1.lock_shared(); // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void stms_bad10() {
+  if (stm1.try_lock_shared()) // no-warning
+    stm1.lock_shared();       // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void stms_bad11() {
+  if (stm1.try_lock_shared_for(std::chrono::duration(1))) // no-warning
+    stm1.lock_shared();                                   // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void stms_bad12() {
+  if (stm1.try_lock_shared_until(std::chrono::time_point(1))) // no-warning
+    stm1.lock_shared();                                       // expected-warning{{This lock has already been acquired}}
+void stms_bad13() {
+  stm1.lock_shared(); // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock();      // expected-warning{{This lock has been acquired as shared, but exclusive unlock used}}
+void stms_bad14() {
+  stm1.lock();          // no-warning
+  stm1.unlock_shared(); // expected-warning{{This lock has been acquired exclusively, but shared unlock used}}
+void stms_bad15() {
+  if (stm1.try_lock_shared()) // no-warning
+    stm1.unlock();            // expected-warning{{This lock has been acquired as shared, but exclusive unlock used}}
+void stms_bad16() {
+  if (stm1.try_lock_shared_for(std::chrono::duration(1))) // no-warning
+    stm1.unlock();                                        // expected-warning{{This lock has been acquired as shared, but exclusive unlock used}}
+void stms_bad17() {
+  if (stm1.try_lock_shared_until(std::chrono::time_point(1))) // no-warning
+    stm1.unlock();                                            // expected-warning{{This lock has been acquired as shared, but exclusive unlock used}}
+void stms_bad18() {
+  if (stm1.try_lock())    // no-warning
+    stm1.unlock_shared(); // expected-warning{{This lock has been acquired exclusively, but shared unlock used}}
+void stms_bad19() {
+  if (stm1.try_lock_for(std::chrono::duration(1))) // no-warning
+    stm1.unlock_shared();                          // expected-warning{{This lock has been acquired exclusively, but shared unlock used}}
+void stms_bad20() {
+  if (stm1.try_lock_until(std::chrono::time_point(1))) // no-warning
+    stm1.unlock_shared();                              // expected-warning{{This lock has been acquired exclusively, but shared unlock used}}
Index: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/PthreadLockChecker.cpp
--- clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/PthreadLockChecker.cpp
+++ clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/PthreadLockChecker.cpp
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
+    CK_CPlusPlus11LockChecker,
   DefaultBool ChecksEnabled[CK_NumCheckKinds];
@@ -172,6 +173,79 @@
       {{"mtx_destroy", 1}, &PthreadLockChecker::DestroyPthreadLock},
+  CallDescriptionMap<FnCheck> CPlusPlus11Callbacks = {
+      // Acquire.
+      {{{"std", "mutex", "lock"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::AcquireCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "timed_mutex", "lock"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::AcquireCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "recursive_mutex", "lock"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::AcquireCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "recursive_timed_mutex", "lock"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::AcquireCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "shared_mutex", "lock"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::AcquireCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "shared_mutex", "lock_shared"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::AcquireCPlusPlus11LockShared},
+      {{{"std", "shared_timed_mutex", "lock"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::AcquireCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "shared_timed_mutex", "lock_shared"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::AcquireCPlusPlus11LockShared},
+      // Try.
+      {{{"std", "mutex", "try_lock"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::TryCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "timed_mutex", "try_lock"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::TryCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "timed_mutex", "try_lock_for"}, 1},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::TryCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "timed_mutex", "try_lock_until"}, 1},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::TryCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "recursive_mutex", "try_lock"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::TryCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "recursive_timed_mutex", "try_lock"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::TryCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "recursive_timed_mutex", "try_lock_for"}, 1},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::TryCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "recursive_timed_mutex", "try_lock_until"}, 1},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::TryCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "shared_mutex", "try_lock"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::TryCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "shared_mutex", "try_lock_shared"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::TryCPlusPlus11LockShared},
+      {{{"std", "shared_timed_mutex", "try_lock"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::TryCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "shared_timed_mutex", "try_lock_for"}, 1},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::TryCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "shared_timed_mutex", "try_lock_until"}, 1},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::TryCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "shared_timed_mutex", "try_lock_shared"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::TryCPlusPlus11LockShared},
+      {{{"std", "shared_timed_mutex", "try_lock_shared_for"}, 1},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::TryCPlusPlus11LockShared},
+      {{{"std", "shared_timed_mutex", "try_lock_shared_until"}, 1},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::TryCPlusPlus11LockShared},
+      // Release.
+      {{{"std", "mutex", "unlock"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::ReleaseCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "timed_mutex", "unlock"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::ReleaseCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "recursive_mutex", "unlock"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::ReleaseCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "recursive_timed_mutex", "unlock"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::ReleaseCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "shared_mutex", "unlock"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::ReleaseCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "shared_mutex", "unlock_shared"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::ReleaseCPlusPlus11LockShared},
+      {{{"std", "shared_timed_mutex", "unlock"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::ReleaseCPlusPlus11Lock},
+      {{{"std", "shared_timed_mutex", "unlock_shared"}, 0},
+       &PthreadLockChecker::ReleaseCPlusPlus11LockShared},
+  };
   ProgramStateRef resolvePossiblyDestroyedMutex(ProgramStateRef state,
                                                 const MemRegion *lockR,
                                                 const SymbolRef *sym) const;
@@ -193,6 +267,10 @@
                       CheckerKind CheckKind) const;
   void AcquireXNULockShared(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
                             CheckerKind CheckKind) const;
+  void AcquireCPlusPlus11Lock(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
+                              CheckerKind CheckKind) const;
+  void AcquireCPlusPlus11LockShared(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
+                                    CheckerKind CheckKind) const;
   void TryPthreadLock(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
                       CheckerKind CheckKind) const;
   void TryXNULock(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
@@ -203,6 +281,10 @@
                       CheckerKind CheckKind) const;
   void TryC11Lock(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
                   CheckerKind CheckKind) const;
+  void TryCPlusPlus11Lock(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
+                          CheckerKind CheckKind) const;
+  void TryCPlusPlus11LockShared(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
+                                CheckerKind CheckKind) const;
   void AcquireLockAux(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
                       const Expr *MtxExpr, SVal MtxVal, bool IsTryLock,
                       bool IsShared, LockingSemantics Semantics,
@@ -213,6 +295,10 @@
                       CheckerKind CheckKind) const;
   void ReleaseAnyLockShared(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
                             CheckerKind CheckKind) const;
+  void ReleaseCPlusPlus11Lock(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
+                              CheckerKind CheckKind) const;
+  void ReleaseCPlusPlus11LockShared(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
+                                    CheckerKind CheckKind) const;
   void ReleaseLockAux(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
                       const Expr *MtxExpr, SVal MtxVal, bool IsShared,
                       enum LockingSemantics Semantics,
@@ -282,7 +368,7 @@
   // with exactly one identifier?
   // FIXME: Try to handle cases when the implementation was inlined rather
   // than just giving up.
-  if (!Call.isGlobalCFunction() || C.wasInlined)
+  if (C.wasInlined)
   if (const FnCheck *Callback = PThreadCallbacks.lookup(Call))
@@ -291,6 +377,8 @@
     (this->**Callback)(Call, C, CK_FuchsiaLockChecker);
   else if (const FnCheck *Callback = C11Callbacks.lookup(Call))
     (this->**Callback)(Call, C, CK_C11LockChecker);
+  else if (const FnCheck *Callback = CPlusPlus11Callbacks.lookup(Call))
+    (this->**Callback)(Call, C, CK_CPlusPlus11LockChecker);
 // When a lock is destroyed, in some semantics(like PthreadSemantics) we are not
@@ -386,6 +474,25 @@
                  XNUSemantics, CheckKind);
+void PthreadLockChecker::AcquireCPlusPlus11Lock(const CallEvent &Call,
+                                                CheckerContext &C,
+                                                CheckerKind CheckKind) const {
+  auto MemberCall = cast<CXXMemberCall>(&Call);
+  auto ThisExpr = MemberCall->getCXXThisExpr();
+  auto ThisVal = MemberCall->getCXXThisVal();
+  AcquireLockAux(Call, C, ThisExpr, ThisVal, false, false, XNUSemantics,
+                 CheckKind);
+void PthreadLockChecker::AcquireCPlusPlus11LockShared(
+    const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C, CheckerKind CheckKind) const {
+  auto MemberCall = cast<CXXMemberCall>(&Call);
+  auto ThisExpr = MemberCall->getCXXThisExpr();
+  auto ThisVal = MemberCall->getCXXThisVal();
+  AcquireLockAux(Call, C, ThisExpr, ThisVal, false, true, XNUSemantics,
+                 CheckKind);
 void PthreadLockChecker::TryPthreadLock(const CallEvent &Call,
                                         CheckerContext &C,
                                         CheckerKind CheckKind) const {
@@ -419,6 +526,26 @@
                  PthreadSemantics, CheckKind);
+void PthreadLockChecker::TryCPlusPlus11Lock(const CallEvent &Call,
+                                            CheckerContext &C,
+                                            CheckerKind CheckKind) const {
+  auto MemberCall = cast<CXXMemberCall>(&Call);
+  auto ThisExpr = MemberCall->getCXXThisExpr();
+  auto ThisVal = MemberCall->getCXXThisVal();
+  AcquireLockAux(Call, C, ThisExpr, ThisVal, true, false, XNUSemantics,
+                 CheckKind);
+void PthreadLockChecker::TryCPlusPlus11LockShared(const CallEvent &Call,
+                                                  CheckerContext &C,
+                                                  CheckerKind CheckKind) const {
+  auto MemberCall = cast<CXXMemberCall>(&Call);
+  auto ThisExpr = MemberCall->getCXXThisExpr();
+  auto ThisVal = MemberCall->getCXXThisVal();
+  AcquireLockAux(Call, C, ThisExpr, ThisVal, true, true, XNUSemantics,
+                 CheckKind);
 void PthreadLockChecker::AcquireLockAux(const CallEvent &Call,
                                         CheckerContext &C, const Expr *MtxExpr,
                                         SVal MtxVal, bool IsTryLock,
@@ -508,6 +635,23 @@
                  NotApplicable, CheckKind);
+void PthreadLockChecker::ReleaseCPlusPlus11Lock(const CallEvent &Call,
+                                                CheckerContext &C,
+                                                CheckerKind CheckKind) const {
+  auto MemberCall = cast<CXXMemberCall>(&Call);
+  auto ThisExpr = MemberCall->getCXXThisExpr();
+  auto ThisVal = MemberCall->getCXXThisVal();
+  ReleaseLockAux(Call, C, ThisExpr, ThisVal, false, XNUSemantics, CheckKind);
+void PthreadLockChecker::ReleaseCPlusPlus11LockShared(
+    const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C, CheckerKind CheckKind) const {
+  auto MemberCall = cast<CXXMemberCall>(&Call);
+  auto ThisExpr = MemberCall->getCXXThisExpr();
+  auto ThisVal = MemberCall->getCXXThisVal();
+  ReleaseLockAux(Call, C, ThisExpr, ThisVal, true, XNUSemantics, CheckKind);
 void PthreadLockChecker::ReleaseLockAux(const CallEvent &Call,
                                         CheckerContext &C, const Expr *MtxExpr,
                                         SVal MtxVal, bool IsShared,
@@ -720,10 +864,10 @@
     const CallEvent *Call) const {
   bool IsLibraryFunction = false;
-  if (Call && Call->isGlobalCFunction()) {
+  if (Call) {
     // Avoid invalidating mutex state when a known supported function is called.
     if (PThreadCallbacks.lookup(*Call) || FuchsiaCallbacks.lookup(*Call) ||
-        C11Callbacks.lookup(*Call))
+        C11Callbacks.lookup(*Call) || CPlusPlus11Callbacks.lookup(*Call))
       return State;
     if (Call->isInSystemHeader())
@@ -769,3 +913,4 @@
Index: clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/
--- clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/
+++ clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/
@@ -749,6 +749,11 @@
+def CPlusPlus11LockChecker : Checker<"CPlusPlus11Lock">,
+  HelpText<"Simple C++11 lock -> unlock checker">,
+  Dependencies<[PthreadLockBase]>,
+  Documentation<HasAlphaDocumentation>;
 } // end: "alpha.cplusplus"
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