ArcsinX added a comment.

In D87891#2291760 <>, @kadircet wrote:

> The biggest problem I see is, this is not changing the fact that we are still 
> traversing the whole file:
> - You do one traversal over the whole file to find `FileLines`
> - Then possibly two more to find `OffsetMin` and `OffsetMax`

Seems you are right, but we do not compare strings during traversal to find 

> You can get rid of the first one by just using `getLocForEndOfFile` if 
> `positionToOffset` fails.
> For the latter, you can use `SourceManager::translateLineCol` instead, it 
> uses a cache and cheaper than the linear scan performed by `positionToOffset` 
> in case of multiple calls. The cache is already populated once we issue the 
> first `Cost` call, through `SM.getSpellingLineNumber`
> I was reluctant overall as the wins aren't clear. We are still going to 
> traverse the whole file at least once, and readability is hindered but I 
> suppose with the above mentioned two trics, runtime shouldn't be regressed.
> Also it is nice to get rid of 2 log calls for each token. Again all of these 
> feels like some micro optimizations that aren't justified.

Thanks for your reply, I will rethink this patch.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/XRefs.cpp:568
     if (Line < WordLine)
-      return 2 + llvm::Log2_64(WordLine - Line);
+      return 2 + WordLine - Line;
     return 0;
sammccall wrote:
> this has changed the relative ordering, if we're dropping the log then +1 
> should now become multiplication by two.
> (Or was this intended?)
Yes, you are right, my fault here.

But should we penalize backwards so hard?

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/XRefs.cpp:580
       return false;
-    // No point guessing the same location we started with.
-    if (Tok.location() == Word.Location)
sammccall wrote:
> why can't this happen anymore?
As I understand, we call `findNearbyIdentifier()` only when the word is not an 
identifier. And `Tok` is always identifier here.

Btw, even if `findNearbyIdentifier()` could be called for an identifier, I 
could not get why it's bad to return current position here.

Am I wrong?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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