rsmith added a comment.

Broadly, it seems reasonable to me for Clang to support this. I have no major 
concerns with the overall approach here, and it seems like you already have 
sufficient implementation experience with this approach to know that it's going 
to work out well in practice. I'm happy that all of the points in for Clang extensions are covered -- or 
will be covered by the work to implement this.

Comment at: clang/docs/APINotes.rst:5-12
+**The Problem:** You have headers you want to use, but you also want to add
+extra information to some of the APIs. You don't want to put that information
+in the headers themselves --- perhaps because you want to keep them clean for
+other clients, or perhaps because they're from some open source project and you
+don't want to modify them at all.
+**Incomplete solution:** Redeclare all the interesting APIs in your own header
"API" should generally be used only as an uncountable noun. If you mean 
something more concrete here, such as "a function, method, type, ...", then 
saying that would be better, since "API" can be interpreted as meaning an 
individual such entity or a collection of such entities, depending on the 

Comment at: clang/docs/APINotes.rst:45
+Clang will search for API notes files next to module maps only when passed the
+``-fapinotes-modules`` option.
Can we add a hyphen between `api` and `notes` here? `-fapinotes` is a little 
hard to read.

Comment at: clang/docs/APINotes.rst:187-190
+  - "N"onnull (``_Nonnull``)
+  - "O"ptional (``_Nullable``)
+  - "U"nspecified (``_Null_unspecified``)
+  - "S"calar (deprecated)
Is it important that these are single letters? Spelling out the name in full 
(as you do for other enumerated values like `MethodKind` and `PropertyKind`) 
would seem a little more readable. (We could accept the single-letter forms as 

Comment at: clang/docs/APINotes.rst:233-235
+  Note that the type is *not* parsed in the context where it will be used,
+  which means that macros are not available and nullability must be applied
+  explicitly (even in an ``NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN`` section).
So what context is it parsed in? Below you have an `NSArray *` example; how do 
we do the lookup for `NSArray`?

Comment at: clang/docs/APINotes.rst:273
+  Used for ``NSError`` code enums. The value is the name of the associated 
+  ``NSString`` constant; an empty string ("") means the enum is a normal enum
+  rather than an error code.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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