lanza requested review of this revision.
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Comment at: clang/lib/CodeGen/CGObjC.cpp:490
+  llvm::UniqueVector<ObjCProtocolDecl *> FoundProtocols;
+  std::set<ObjCProtocolDecl *> DeclaredProtocols;
rjmccall wrote:
> You should use llvm::DenseSet for this.  But in general there are more sets 
> here than I think you really need, and you're building them eagerly when you 
> don't have to.  I would suggest:
> 1. Walk the list of declared protocols, adding the runtime protocols to the 
> main result list and the first runtime protocols implied by the non-runtime 
> protocols to a different list.
> 2. If there are any protocols in the first-implied list (which is unlikely), 
> build the implied-protocols set for all the protocols in the main list 
> (inclusive of the protocols there) and the first-implied list (exclusive).  
> It would be totally reasonable to add a method to make this easier: `void 
> ObjCProtocolDecl::getImpliedProtocols(llvm::DenseSet<const ObjCProtocolDecl*> 
> &) const;`
> 3. Add any protocols that are in the first-implied list but not the implied 
> set back to the main list.
> Also, protocols can be redeclared, so you should make sure to map to the 
> canonical decl before adding them to a set (or UniqueVector).
Got ya, that should be much better for the 99.99% case where there are no 
non-runtime protocols. 👍

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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