jhuber6 added a comment.

In D87946#2325934 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D87946#2325934>, @grokos wrote:

> In D87946#2325756 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D87946#2325756>, @jhuber6 wrote:
>> Current build, fails `offloading/target_depend_nowait` for an unknown reason 
>> after calling cuStreamSynchronize in __tgt_target_teams_mapper_nowait.
> Is your tree up to date? We had a problem with this test, which was fixed by 
> D84470 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D84470>.

I did a pull a few hours ago, so I have that patch in my tree. I compiled it 
both with master and this patch applied, it worked on master and failed using 
my patch. There are some slight differences between the code generated between 
the two in the device code generated, the host code only differs in the 
`ident_t` argument.

Master just has this under the device module

  %class.omptarget_nvptx_Queue = type { [32 x 
%class.omptarget_nvptx_ThreadPrivateContext], [32 x 
%class.omptarget_nvptx_ThreadPrivateContext*], i32, [32 x i32], i32, [8 x i8] }

While this patch has this in addition.

  %class.omptarget_nvptx_Queue = type { [32 x 
%class.omptarget_nvptx_ThreadPrivateContext.34], [32 x 
%class.omptarget_nvptx_ThreadPrivateContext.34*], i32, [32 x i32], i32, [8 x 
i8] }
  %class.omptarget_nvptx_ThreadPrivateContext.34 = type { 
%class.omptarget_nvptx_TeamDescr.32, [1024 x %class.omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr], 
[1024 x %class.omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr*], %union.anon, [1024 x i32], [1024 x 
i64], [1024 x i64], [1024 x i64], [1024 x i64], i64, [8 x i8] }
  %class.omptarget_nvptx_TeamDescr.32 = type { 
%class.omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr, %class.omptarget_nvptx_WorkDescr, [32 x 
%struct.__kmpc_data_sharing_worker_slot_static] }

This probably has nothing to do with the problem but I'm wondering why this 
patch does anything that changes the device codegen.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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