yaxunl added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Frontend/InitPreprocessor.cpp:421
@@ +420,3 @@
+    switch (LangOpts.OpenCLVersion) {
+    case 0:
+    case 100:
pxli168 wrote:
> What is 0 stand for as OpenCLVersion, it seems the default OpenCLVersion if 
> we did not pass any -cl-std=CLXX is 100.
> So maybe we did not need this case 0:
There is a test test/Frontend/stdlang.c:

  // RUN: %clang_cc1 -x cl -std=c99 -DOPENCL %s

With this test, LangOpts.OpenCL is 1 but LangOpts.OpenCLVersion is 0.

If we all agree that this test is invalid and -x cl can only be compiled with 
OpenCL language standard and the default one is OpenCL 1.0, I can fix that test 
first and then remove case 0 in this switch.

Comment at: lib/Frontend/InitPreprocessor.cpp:439
@@ +438,3 @@
+    if (LangOpts.OpenCLVersion >= 110)
+      Builder.defineMacro("CL_VERSION_1_1", "110");
+    if (LangOpts.OpenCLVersion >= 120)
pxli168 wrote:
> These macros maybe need for all cl version, and in the header we should 
> compare  __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ with CL_VERSION_2_0 instead of the integer 200 
> in the header of  http://reviews.llvm.org/D18369? 
Each OpenCL version only defines some of these macros by spec.

In the header file `__OPENCL_C_VERSION__` can compare with 200 since the spec 
defines the integer value for `__OPENCL_C_VERSION__`. Comparing with 
CL_VERSION_2_0 requires checking CL_VERSION_2_0 is available first. I think 
probably I can define a macro 

  #define _OPENCL20_AND_ABOVE defined(__OPENCL_C_VERSION__) and 
defined(CL_VERSION_2_0) and __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= 200

and then use this macro for conditioning 2.0 specific functions.


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