compnerd marked an inline comment as done.
compnerd added a comment.

> I'd like to have maximum flexibility from the submitter by willing to change 
> the details of the implementation

I don't think that is a fair expectation - there are plenty of times where this 
is technical disagreement on functionality, and it doesn't get immediately 
resolved.  A high quality implementation doesn't require that everything be 
changed immediately, nor does it mean that everything must be completely 
flexible.  There are trade-offs, and the goal is to strike a balance between 
simplicity and the needs of the project.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/APINotes/Types.h:25
+/// auditing.
+enum class EnumExtensibilityKind {
+  None,
martong wrote:
> compnerd wrote:
> > martong wrote:
> > > This seems a bit redundant to ``. I'd prefer to have the 
> > > structure of an attribute defined only in one place. Why can't we 
> > > directly reuse the types in the generated ``? In this case
> > > ```
> > > class EnumExtensibilityAttr : public InheritableAttr {
> > > public:
> > >   enum Kind {
> > >     Closed,
> > >     Open
> > >   };
> > > ```
> > > could perfectly fit, wouldn't it?
> > The none-case here is not the same as missing - it tracks the explicitly 
> > audited case.  I suppose we can change the internal enum case from `None` 
> > to `Audited` if you like.
> I am not sure I can follow. Could you please elaborate what is an "explicit y 
> audited" case?
> mentions only open/closed ...
There are three states consider:

enum Unaudited {
enum __attribute__((__enum_extensibility__(open))) Open {
enum __attribute__((__enum_extensibility__(closed))) Closed {

The optionality of the value indicates whether the value is present or not in 
the APINotes, not the tri-state nature of the attribute.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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