mcgrathr added a comment.

The GCC documentation specifically gives the example of the standard C function 
`qsort` as one that does not qualify as `__attribute__((leaf))` because it uses 
a callback function (that presumably might be from the caller's own TU).  AIUI 
the claim the attribute makes is that no normal control flow (i.e. excluding 
only signal handlers) would call any function in the caller's TU by any means, 
nor `longjmp` to any state captured by a `setjmp` call in the caller's TU, and 
thus only normal return or normal C++ exception handling return/unwind would 
reach the caller's TU again after the jump (call) to this entry point.  The 
caller is thus presumed not to share potentially-called functions with the 
callee by any means, whether direct symbol references or function pointers 
passed in the call or function pointers previously stored somewhere (e.g. a C++ 
vtable).  The compiler can make whatever assumptions about potential 
dataflow/side-effect and the like are implied by this exclusion of TU-local 
code paths from the otherwise unknown call graph of the external call.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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