whisperity added a comment.
Herald added a subscriber: shchenz.

In D69560#2319340 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D69560#2319340>, @aaron.ballman 

> Congrats on the SCAM acceptance, I hope the presentation goes well!

The entire event was amazing, even if short. There was another paper which 
seemed to target the issue of swaps at call sites (D20689 
<https://reviews.llvm.org/D20689>) in the section where I was presenting and 
due to the SCAM being small and having no parallel session, I can say with 
confidence, that it was this particular section where the longest discussion 
was spawned from the topics we discussed. (In every other section people left 
the call a bit too early. The worst problem of online conferencing... 😦)


I've gone over the reports on some projects one by one. Due to the vast number 
of reports on existing projects, I've only selected //3// of them: Bitcoin 
(C++), Postgres (C), and Apache Xerces (C++). I've specifically wanted to add a 
C project, however, Postgres produced so many reports across the configurations 
(1460, 3033, 2415 and 4253, respectively) that it would take multiple inhumane 
months to go over them one by one... So, let's focus on Bitcoin and Xerces. 
Reasonably sized projects both being roughly a single library, they are both 
written to the OOP paradigm and are of reasonably modern C++.

I've run 4 analyses of each project:

- normal mode (named simply `len2` in the uploaded database, only strict type 
equality is reported)
- normal mode, with relatedness heuristics filtering (`len2-rel`, D78652 
<https://reviews.llvm.org/D78652>, this should be the strictest mode and 
produce the least number of results. **This mode is //most// conformant in 
matching the Guideline rule!**)
- CVR+Imp mode (`len2-cvr-imp`, type equality is relatex to type 
convertibility, which generally means an adjacency of `int, const int` (CVR) 
and `int, double` (Imp) is reported too. CVR is implemented in this patch, Imp 
is added in a subsequent patch, D75041 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D75041>. This 
should be the broadest configuration.)
- CVR+Imp mode, with relatedness filtering (`len2-cvr-imp-rel`)

The number of reports were, in this order of configurations:

- Bitcoin: 183, 82, 516, 259
- Postgres: 3033, 1460, 4253, 2415
- Xerces: 254, 79, 412, 165

In CodeChecker, I have marked cases where simple refactorings (strong typedef 
or a range-constrained type) could help remove the issue as **Confirmed bug**. 
**False positive**s are cases that cannot be removed by heuristics easily, 
while **Intentional** bugs (this is a classification category in CodeChecker 
you can select for your bug, the naming is wonky here but let's just consider 
it a third bucket) were the ones where sensible heuristics can be devised to 
suppress these reports. We'll get back to this later. I've checked the results 
both with "report uniqueing" (1) on and off.



| //Project "component"//                  | Confirmed cases (unique) | False 
positive (unique) | Suppressable (unique) |
| Qt MOC generated code                    |                          |         
                | 8                     |
| Third-party library hosted in repository | 13                       | 28 (27) 
                | 11                    |
| Test code                                | 34                       | 20      
                | 12                    |
| Project core                             | 136                      | 137     
                | 55 (53)               |
| **Total**                                | 183                      | 185 
(184)               | 86 (84)               |

These were the numbers for the "normal mode". Now, let's see how it changes 
when relatedness filtering (as in D78652 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D78652> Diff 
259231 <http://reviews.llvm.org/D78652?id=259321>) is introduced.

| //Project "component"//                  | Confirmed cases (Unique) | False 
positive (Unique) | Suppressable (unique) |
| Qt MOC generated code                    |                          |         
                |                       |
| Third-party library hosted in repository | 5                        | 7       
                | 4                     |
| Test code                                | 15                       | 11      
                | 2                     |
| Project core                             | 62                       | 37      
                | 14                    |
| **Total**                                | 82                       | 55      
                | 20                    |

(Numbers did not change with enabling "unique reports".)

Modelling implicit conversions blows up the result set. Note that for this 
analysis, the definition behind `confirmed bug` is changed a bit: in case of 
reports where implicit conversions are reported, if the swap through the 
implicit conversion //is dangerous// it is reported as a confirmed bug. (In 
many cases, the implicit conversions stem from `f(int, double)` functions... 
where the introduction of a semantic typedef or constrained integer type with 
no implicit conversions would fix the issue).

The results for `cvr-imp` are:

| //Project "component"//                  | Confirmed cases (Unique) | False 
positive (Unique) | Suppressable (unique) |
| Qt MOC generated code                    | 136                      |         
                | 11                    |
| Third-party library hosted in repository | 26                       | 29 (28) 
                | 11                    |
| Test code                                | 56                       | 11      
                | 14                    |
| Project core                             | 298                      | 138     
                | 63 (61)               |
| **Total**                                | 516                      | 178 
(177)               | 99 (97)               |

Now, enabling relatedness filtering over these results, gives us:

| //Project "component"//                  | Confirmed cases (Unique) | False 
positive (Unique) | Suppressable (unique) |
| Qt MOC generated code                    | 68                       |         
                |                       |
| Third-party library hosted in repository | 11                       | 7       
                | 4                     |
| Test code                                | 31                       | 10      
                | 3                     |
| Project core                             | 149                      | 42      
                | 19                    |
| **Total**                                | 259                      | 59      
                | 26                    |

(Numbers did not change with enabling "unique reports".)



I'll use the same order in the reports. In Xerces, building the tests are not 
part of building the project itself. This is why the test files were not logged 
and thus were not analysed. In addition, Xerces contains no well-identifiable 
third-party libraries living in-tree, so the tables below are shorter.

In normal mode:

| //Bug kind// | Confirmed cases (Unique) | False positive (Unique) | 
Suppressable (unique) |
| **Total**    | 254 (246)                | 149 (144)               | 101 (95)  

With relatedness filtering:

| //Bug kind// | Confirmed cases (Unique) | False positive (Unique) | 
Suppressable (unique) |
| **Total**    | 79                       | 61 (59)                 | 53        

In broad matching (CVR-Imp) mode:

| //Bug kind// | Confirmed cases (Unique) | False positive (Unique) | 
Suppressable (unique) |
| **Total**    | 412 (380)                | 158 (154)               | 135 (125) 

WIth relatedness filtering:

| //Bug kind// | Confirmed cases (Unique) | False positive (Unique) | 
Suppressable (unique) |
| **Total**    | 165 (159)                | 55                      | 87 (82)   


I've attached the result database: F14738797: AdjacentParams.sqlite 

So what heuristics can we still put in? While the check is about parameter 
**types** and not **names**, I think we can still (perhaps hidden behind an 
option) rely on //some// properites of the parameter name to make decisions. 
One such is that reports involving otherwise unnamed parameters should be 
squelched. The other is the ignoring of parameters which have a "patterned 
name" (i.e. `text1, text2, text3, text4` (live example from Xerces!)), as 
mentioned in [Rice2017].

In addition, I think it would be useful to make certain type //names// ignored 
and this list of names configured by the user. `bool` is the most striking 
candidate that comes to mind... you can't really do anything with an `f(bool a, 
bool b)`, at least nothing that would //improve// the safety and readability of 
the code. Strong typedefs over `bool` could exist (this was proposed before for 
LLVM itself, see this llvm-dev post 
<http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-dev/2019-August/134302.html> and D66148 
<https://reviews.llvm.org/D66148>), but having a -- to paraphrase my own paper 
-- `f(ShouldFlip flip, ShouldStretch stretch)` is absolutely bonkers. By 
throwing out some types ahead of time, we can lessen the number of crappy 
reports and noise.

In addition, I plan to investigate whether reporting one-way implicit 
conversions is useful in the first place. I believe it would be beneficial to 
put the reporting of that behind a distinct option (i.e. "ReportOneWayImplicit" 
and "ReportTwoWayImplicit" toggling separate things!) and leaving it off by 
default. Far too many silly cases of only one way implicitness (such as `*` or 
`&` upcasts, where you can't //really// call an `f(B* b, D* d)` with `f(d, b)` 
anyways...) producing results.

Perhaps it would also be good to ignore all binary operators, and call 
operators of functors that are equality predicates, comparators, etc. Some of 
these cases are yanked by the relatedness heuristics already, but not all...


In addition to all this, and tracking back to the talk about default 
configuration... @aaron.ballman, I have some questions. I've seen that Tidy now 
supports "check aliases". Do you think moving forward in a way that we rename 
this check and put it into another group (maybe calling it 
`bugprone-adjacent-parameters-of-same-type`) with //more sensible defaults// 
and offering a version of the check under `cppcoreguidelines-` with the 
defaults more matching the guideline rule would be a good way forward, 
eventually? Implicit conversions seem to be a real edge of the analysis (hence 
why I pinned my paper about that problem, also, this was the novelty, the rest 
of the mixability analysis was done decades ago), and seem to hurt more than 
simple type equality. However, the guideline is cautious about only warning for 
same type, and considers `const T*` and `T*` already distinct.


//(1)//: I'm not exactly sure as to what "report uniqueing" in CodeChecker 
precisely does these days, but basically it uses the context of the bug and the 
checker message and whatnot to create a hash for the bug - "unique reports" 
mode shows each report belonging to the same hash only once.

//[Rice2017]//: Andrew Rice, et al.: Detecting argument selection defects. In: 
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, **1**, pp. 104:1-104:23, 2017.



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