jansvoboda11 added a comment.

In D95514#2526064 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D95514#2526064>, @dexonsmith wrote:

> Well, the compiler developers are the users, since `-cc1` isn't for 
> end-users. I acknowledge it's a tradeoff. IMO, without actually seeing it in 
> practice, it seems a bit nicer to design this away entirely. But maybe having 
> a `=` is more valuable than I think.

> For string options:
> - If `-cc1` accepts only `-opt string`, no need for allocation.
> - If `-cc1` accepts only `-opt=string`, the fully-spelled option is on the 
> original command-line. `ExistingStrings.find()` should turn it up when 
> calling `Strings.save()`.
> - If `-cc1` accepts both `-opt=string` and `-opt string` canonicalize to 
> `-opt string` when generating. No need for allocation.
> For numeric / enum options we'll need to allocate, but the allocation doesn't 
> have to live past running the parser.
> The only problem would be if `string` gets canonicalized / rewritten somehow 
> during parse + generate, or if an enum value is additionally saved as a 
> string value.

We can definitely ask around how would people feel about that.

>>> Consider that some callers may parse the full command-line and then drop 
>>> everything but one options class. That pattern wouldn’t work anymore since 
>>> the StringRefs won’t be valid.
>> Ah, that's right. So if we don't go with the allocation-less approach, we'd 
>> need to take `StringAllocator` from the client that also ensures proper 
>> lifetimes.
> Maybe it wouldn't be terrible to have a `RoundTrip` arg on each options 
> class. When you assign to the CompilerInvocation, it copies the shared ptr 
> into each of the options classes, so that the pool stays alive as long as one 
> of them has it.

I think this is the most robust solution.

Moving `BumpPtrAllocator`/`StringSaver` into `CompilerInvocation` will become 
problematic once we start round-tripping more option classes.

I've looked through all option classes in `CompilerInvocation`, and 
`AnalyzerOptions::Config` seems to be the only member that stores non-owning 
references to command line arguments.
I think the best path forward is to change `AnalyzerOptions` to take ownership 
and avoid dealing with complicated lifetimes. We can look into removing 
allocations later, as an optional optimization.
What do you think?

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h:144
+  /// Container holding strings allocated during round-trip.
+  mutable std::forward_list<std::string> AllocatedStrings;
dexonsmith wrote:
> jansvoboda11 wrote:
> > dexonsmith wrote:
> > > I suggest using llvm::StringPool instead, which also uniques the strings 
> > > and is used elsewhere for this kind of thing. Probably in an Optional to 
> > > make it more clear it’s not always used.
> > > 
> > > Maybe the name RoundTrippedStrings? 
> > From the documentation of `StringPool`, it seems like we would need to 
> > store `PooledStringPtr`s in order to keep them alive. How would that work 
> > with the `const char *` API we have?
> Oops; I meant `StringSet<>` / `StringMap<NoneType>` / etc., which is what 
> I've always used in the past. This is essentially a `StringMap<void>`; I just 
> always call the variable `StringPool`, hence my error. It has the properties 
> you need (stable, kept alive indefinitely, null-terminated).
> Looking around, there are a couple of options designed for this:
> - `StringSaver`, which is an optimized version of your list (uses a 
> bumpptrallocator, no uniquing).
> - `UniqueStringSaver`, which is essentially equivalent to `StringSet<>`; 
> might be slightly more optimized, and if it's not, we should fix it.
> I suggest using one of those since they exactly match what you need.
Thanks for mentioning `StringSaver`s, they fit our needs perfectly (now used in 

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