kadircet accepted this revision.
kadircet added a subscriber: sammccall.
kadircet added a comment.
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thanks, lgtm! but I would wait for a while to see if someone(that remembers why 
this test was specifically asserting for built-in headers) will object.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/test/document-link.test:1
-# for %resource_dir: REQUIRES: clang
-# %resource_dir actually points at builtin_include_dir, go up one directory.
-# RUN: clangd -lit-test -resource-dir=%resource_dir/.. < %s | FileCheck 
-strict-whitespace %s
+# create a fake resource_dir so that the test can find the headers.
nit: drop empty line

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/test/document-link.test:2
+# create a fake resource_dir so that the test can find the headers.
+# RUN: mkdir -p %t/include/ && touch %t/include/foo.h

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/test/document-link.test:3
+# create a fake resource_dir so that the test can find the headers.
+# RUN: mkdir -p %t/include/ && touch %t/include/foo.h
+# RUN: clangd -lit-test -resource-dir=%t < %s | FileCheck -strict-whitespace %s
this is clever! I believe there was a reason for this test to be asserting 
built-in headers (I can't seem to remember, maybe @sammccall does), but 
asserting through a mock header should also be fine, I suppose.

one thing though, we need to clean up `%t`, e.g. `rm -rf %t`.

(and regrading the failure at head, resource_dir path has changed with release 
cut from `something/12.0.0` to `something/13.0.0` so it should go away once you 
build new clang via `ninja clang`)

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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