aaron.ballman added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Parse/ParseDeclCXX.cpp:874-876
+    if (!getLangOpts().CPlusPlus)
+      Diag(Tok, diag::warn_cxx_static_assert_in_c)
+          << FixItHint::CreateReplacement(Tok.getLocation(), "_Static_assert");
rsmith wrote:
> aaron.ballman wrote:
> > aaron.ballman wrote:
> > > rsmith wrote:
> > > > I don't think this diagnostic is useful as-is: on Windows, including 
> > > > `<assert.h>` doesn't help because it doesn't `#define static_assert`. 
> > > > And people hitting this also can't switch to using `_Static_assert`, 
> > > > because MSVC doesn't provide it, only `static_assert`.
> > > > 
> > > > If we want to warn here, we could perhaps check whether `<assert.h>` 
> > > > has been included, but getting that check correct across PCH / modules 
> > > > is not straightforward. (If we knew what include guard the CRT's 
> > > > `assert.h` used (if any), I guess we could check whether that's 
> > > > defined, but that'd be a bit of a hack.) But I'm somewhat inclined to 
> > > > think we don't have a good way to distinguish between the good cases 
> > > > and the bad ones, so we shouldn't warn. Hopefully MS will fix their CRT 
> > > > at some point and we can stop providing this compatibility hack 
> > > > entirely (or start warning on it by default).
> > > Are you sure they don't support `_Static_assert` yet? I seem to be able 
> > > to use it fine: https://godbolt.org/z/vG47he
> > > 
> > > That said, this does appear to be only available in newer versions of 
> > > MSVC, so perhaps you're correct about the diagnostic being a bit 
> > > unhelpful. My primary concern is that use of `static_assert` in C is a 
> > > nonconforming extension and we default to `-fms-compatibility` on Windows 
> > > when Clang is built by MSVC. So it's not difficult to accidentally run 
> > > into this, but the only warning we give on it with `-Weverything 
> > > -pedantic` is how it's not compatible with C++98.
> > > 
> > > WDYT?
> > I suppose one option would be to look at what version of MSVC we're trying 
> > to be compatible with to see if that's a version that supports `/std:c11` 
> > and only emit this diagnostic in that case, but tbh, that feels like it'll 
> > lead to confusing diagnostic behavior (esp given that we default to ms 
> > compatibility mode silently when you build Clang with MSVC on Windows).
> > 
> > Given that MSVC does support `_Static_assert` when you enable C11 or later 
> > language mode, I'm inclined to warn on this construct by default.
> > 
> > WDYT?
> Well, it's good to see that they've made progress, but it [looks 
> like](https://godbolt.org/z/YfEhGW) their `<assert.h>` still doesn't `#define 
> static_assert`, so I think we still don't have an actionable warning we can 
> produce here. We can't reasonably tell people to include `<assert.h>` (as 
> this patch does) because that doesn't work. And it doesn't seem reasonable to 
> tell people to use `_Static_assert` instead, if they actually have included 
> `<assert.h>`. (I don't think we want to encourage people to use 
> `_Static_assert` instead of `<assert.h>` + `static_assert`.)
> So I don't think MSVC adding support for `_Static_assert` really changes 
> anything here -- until their `<assert.h>` works, or we find some good way to 
> detect whether it was properly included, this warning will fire on both 
> correct code and incorrect code, which doesn't seem all that useful.
>  And it doesn't seem reasonable to tell people to use _Static_assert instead, 
> if they actually have included <assert.h>. (I don't think we want to 
> encourage people to use _Static_assert instead of <assert.h> + static_assert.)

Ideally, yes. But this isn't ideal -- we produce no diagnostic for this 
nonconforming extension and that's causing pain in practice. As an example of 
where I ran into this: I had a header file that was shared between C and 
(mostly) C++ code and added a `static_assert` to it but forgot to add `#include 
<assert.h>`. This compiled great in MSVC and clang-cl, but when compiled with 
clang on CI is when I finally found the issue. e.g., like this: 

If I had to pick between behaviors, I think I'd prefer pushing people towards 
using `_Static_assert` even if `assert.h` is included over silently accepting a 
nonconforming extension in pedantic mode.

Rather than trying to see what header guard was used by `<assert.h>`, couldn't 
we assume that if `assert` is defined as a macro then `<assert.h>` must have 
been included (or the user triggered UB and gets what they get)? So the logic 
could be: only diagnose use of the `static_assert` (keyword) in C mode if 
`assert` is not defined?

> We can't reasonably tell people to include <assert.h> (as this patch does) 
> because that doesn't work.

But it does (as far as the user is concerned)? In MS compatibility mode, 
`static_assert` is always accepted, so the include isn't strictly necessary but 
isn't harmful either. Outside of MS compatibility mode, the include is required 
to spell it `static_assert` because we won't treat it as a keyword. If we go 
with the "only diagnose when `assert` is not defined as a macro" approach, it 
would give us the desired behavior here.



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