njames93 added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clang-query/Query.cpp:60-61
+        "    main-file-only                  "
+        "Only match nodes from the main source file. This mode is the "
+        "default.\n"
         "  set output <feature>              "
aaron.ballman wrote:
> I'm not super keen on this being the default behavior. One of the big uses 
> for clang-query is to experiment with matchers and I think ignoring nodes by 
> default makes it harder to know whether you've written the matcher correctly 
> or not. e.g., you write the matcher, run it over a source file, don't get any 
> results -- is that because the matcher was nonsense or because the mode 
> excluded matching on nodes in headers by default?
> The fact that we print how many nodes were skipped does help (so it's not a 
> silent when you match only in headers), but I think the default behavior 
> should be to match on what's in the source code (which includes header 
> contents) and users should have to opt into getting less results. WDYT?
I thought of making main-file-only the default as its the behaviour that 
clang-tidy exhibits by default. That's also the reason I included printing 
details of skipped matching nodes. But you're right there's definitely a 
compelling argument to leave the default as matching from header files as well.

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