njames93 added a comment.

In D98034#2606535 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D98034#2606535>, @mboehme wrote:

> In D98034#2606488 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D98034#2606488>, @njames93 wrote:
>> While `try_emplace` is a special case, it's may not be the only special case 
>> in someone's codebase, this should be extended with options to let users 
>> handle their special containers.
> Sorry, I didn't see your comment before submitting.
> I agree that there may be other cases of "maybe move" functions, but 
> try_emplace seems to be the most common case. Handling "maybe move" functions 
> more general would require some way of annotating them; I felt it was useful 
> to get the try_emplace case handled first.

The canonical way of doing this in clang-tidy is to add an option to the check 
which takes a semi-colon delimited list.
`clang::tidy::utils::options::parseStringList` can then turn that into a vector 
of string.
Annoyingly the hasAnyName matcher needs a vector of StringRef's so most checks 
do something like this

  hasAnyName(SmallVector<StringRef, 4>(
        StringLikeClasses.begin(), StringLikeClasses.end())

As you are reading options, you will need to override the storeOptions method 
in the check to then store the value read from config, `serializeStringList` is 
your friend here.
The documentation will also need updating to describe the option and what it 

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