atirit added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.cpp:3683
+        Style.BraceWrapping.AfterEnum;
+    bool isLineTooBig = (strlen( +
+                         Right.OriginalColumn) > Style.ColumnLimit;
curdeius wrote:
> atirit wrote:
> > curdeius wrote:
> > > strlen? Please use `StringRef::size()`.
> > For `FormatToken.TokenText`, `StringRef::size()` is set to the length of 
> > the token, not of the stored text. Please see 
> > `clang/lib/Format/FormatTokenLexer.cpp:1047`. Changing that line breaks 
> > nearly every format test so I'm assuming that it is correct. A `strlen` or 
> > equivalent is necessary here.
> Then it should be something like the line's length, no? Using `strlen` will 
> be very expensive on non-snippets, as it `strlen` will traverse the string 
> until its end (so possibly until the end of file) for each invocation of 
> `mustBreakBefore` (if it goes into this condition of course).
> I only see one failing check in the test `FormatTest.FormatsTypedefEnum` when 
> using `TokenText.size()`:
> ```
>   verifyFormat("typedef enum\n"
>                "{\n"
>                "  ZERO = 0,\n"
>                "  ONE = 1,\n"
>                "  TWO = 2,\n"
>                "  THREE = 3\n"
>                "} LongEnum;",
>                Style);
> ```
> You might need to add more tests in `AfterEnum` to test the behaviour of this 
> part if the line is just below/above the limit.
> Also, that's just a hack, but I made all tests pass with:
> ```
>     assert(Line.Last);
>     assert(Line.Last-> >=;
>     auto isAllowedByShortEnums = [&]() {
>       if (!Style.AllowShortEnumsOnASingleLine ||
>           (Line.Last-> - +
>            Right.TokenText.size() + Right.OriginalColumn) >
>               Style.ColumnLimit)
> ```
> I haven't given it too much thought though and am unsure whether there are 
> cases where the above assertions will fail.
If I use `TokenText.size()`, the line length check will always claim that the 
line is short enough. I'll be adding a unit test for this. However, you're 
right that a `strlen` is a bad idea here. I hadn't realised it would consume 
the entire file. I'll try to figure out a more efficient method of checking the 
line length.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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