rjmccall added a comment.

To be clear, what I'm trying to say is that — absent consensus that it's a 
major architecture shift is appropriate — we need to consider what 
functionality is reasonably achievable without it.  I'm sure that covers most 
of what you're trying to do; it just may not include everything.

One of the fortunate things about working in a REPL is that many ABI 
considerations go completely out the window.  The most important of those is 
the abstract need for symbol-matching; that is, there's practically no reason 
why a C REPL needs to use the simple C symbol mangling, because nobody expects 
code written outside the REPL to link up with user-entered declarations.  So we 
can be quite aggressive about how we emit declarations "behind the scenes"; C 
mode really just means C's user-level semantics, calling convention, and type 
layout, but not any of C's ordinary interoperation/compatibility requirements.



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