Modernize it is then.

The check currently only catches std::bind but further work can address that.


> On 4 May 2016, at 22:40, Arthur O'Dwyer <> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 1:43 PM, Aaron Ballman via cfe-commits 
>> <> wrote:
>> jbcoe wrote:
>> > aaron.ballman wrote:
>> > > I believe we use "modernize" to really mean "migrate from the old way to 
>> > > the new way", which this definitely fits into since I think the point to 
>> > > this check is to replace bind with better alternatives.
>> > Would you prefer it to be in `modernize`? I can be easily convinced either 
>> > way and am happy to move it. If I do move it I might add a script to 
>> > facilitate doing so.
>> My preference is for modernize, your preference is for readability, so I 
>> say: make @alexfh the tie-breaker! ;-) Alex, what are your thoughts? This 
>> seems like a heuristic we may want to state in our documentation to help 
>> others decide where to put new checks in the future as well.
> FWIW, I'd prefer "modernize", and I'll point out that these waters are 
> muddied by the fact that three of the old ways (boost::bind, std::bind1st, 
> std::bind2nd) all existed prior to C++11, so the fact that one of the old 
> ways (std::bind) was introduced in C++11 doesn't matter so much.
> (I haven't looked, but I'd assume that this clang-tidy check catches all four 
> cases, right?)
> –Arthur
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