dgoldman updated this revision to Diff 340619.
dgoldman marked 4 inline comments as done.
dgoldman added a comment.

Address review comments

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/CodeCompleteTests.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/CodeCompleteTests.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/CodeCompleteTests.cpp
@@ -2783,6 +2783,61 @@
   EXPECT_THAT(C, ElementsAre(SnippetSuffix("${1:(unsigned int)}")));
+TEST(CompletionTest, ObjectiveCMethodDeclaration) {
+  auto Results = completions(R"objc(
+      @interface Foo
+      - (int)valueForCharacter:(char)c secondArgument:(id)object;
+      @end
+      @implementation Foo
+      valueFor^
+      @end
+    )objc",
+                             /*IndexSymbols=*/{},
+                             /*Opts=*/{}, "Foo.m");
+  auto C = Results.Completions;
+  EXPECT_THAT(C, ElementsAre(Named("valueForCharacter:")));
+  EXPECT_THAT(C, ElementsAre(Kind(CompletionItemKind::Method)));
+  EXPECT_THAT(C, ElementsAre(Qualifier("- (int)")));
+  EXPECT_THAT(C, ElementsAre(Signature("(char)c secondArgument:(id)object")));
+TEST(CompletionTest, ObjectiveCMethodDeclarationPrefixTyped) {
+  auto Results = completions(R"objc(
+      @interface Foo
+      - (int)valueForCharacter:(char)c;
+      @end
+      @implementation Foo
+      - (int)valueFor^
+      @end
+    )objc",
+                             /*IndexSymbols=*/{},
+                             /*Opts=*/{}, "Foo.m");
+  auto C = Results.Completions;
+  EXPECT_THAT(C, ElementsAre(Named("valueForCharacter:")));
+  EXPECT_THAT(C, ElementsAre(Kind(CompletionItemKind::Method)));
+  EXPECT_THAT(C, ElementsAre(Signature("(char)c")));
+TEST(CompletionTest, ObjectiveCMethodDeclarationFromMiddle) {
+  auto Results = completions(R"objc(
+      @interface Foo
+      - (int)valueForCharacter:(char)c secondArgument:(id)object;
+      @end
+      @implementation Foo
+      - (int)valueForCharacter:(char)c second^
+      @end
+    )objc",
+                             /*IndexSymbols=*/{},
+                             /*Opts=*/{}, "Foo.m");
+  auto C = Results.Completions;
+  EXPECT_THAT(C, ElementsAre(Named("secondArgument:")));
+  EXPECT_THAT(C, ElementsAre(Kind(CompletionItemKind::Method)));
+  EXPECT_THAT(C, ElementsAre(Signature("(id)object")));
 TEST(CompletionTest, CursorInSnippets) {
   clangd::CodeCompleteOptions Options;
   Options.EnableSnippets = true;
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/CodeCompletionStrings.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/CodeCompletionStrings.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/CodeCompletionStrings.cpp
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@
   unsigned SnippetArg = 0;
   bool HadObjCArguments = false;
+  bool HadInformativeChunks = false;
   for (const auto &Chunk : CCS) {
     // Informative qualifier chunks only clutter completion results, skip
     // them.
@@ -129,10 +130,14 @@
       //   reclassified as qualifiers.
       // Objective-C:
-      //   Objective-C methods may have multiple typed-text chunks, so we must
-      //   treat them carefully. For Objective-C methods, all typed-text chunks
-      //   will end in ':' (unless there are no arguments, in which case we
-      //   can safely treat them as C++).
+      //   Objective-C methods expressions may have multiple typed-text chunks,
+      //   so we must treat them carefully. For Objective-C methods, all
+      //   typed-text and informative chunks will end in ':' (unless there are
+      //   no arguments, in which case we can safely treat them as C++).
+      //
+      //   Completing a method declaration itself (not a method expression) is
+      //   similar except that we use the `RequiredQualifiers` to store the
+      //   text before the selector, e.g. `- (void)`.
       if (!llvm::StringRef(Chunk.Text).endswith(":")) { // Treat as C++.
         if (RequiredQualifiers)
           *RequiredQualifiers = std::move(*Signature);
@@ -147,6 +152,28 @@
         // methods.
         if (!HadObjCArguments) {
           HadObjCArguments = true;
+          // If we have no previous informative chunks (informative selector
+          // fragments in practice), we treat any previous chunks as
+          // `RequiredQualifiers` so they will be added as a prefix during the
+          // completion.
+          //
+          // e.g. to complete `- (void)doSomething:(id)argument`:
+          // - Completion name: `doSomething:`
+          // - RequiredQualifiers: `- (void)`
+          // - Snippet/Signature suffix: `(id)argument`
+          //
+          // This differs from the case when we're completing a method
+          // expression with a previous informative selector fragment.
+          //
+          // e.g. to complete `[self doSomething:nil ^somethingElse:(id)]`:
+          // - Previous Informative Chunk: `doSomething:`
+          // - Completion name: `somethingElse:`
+          // - Snippet/Signature suffix: `(id)`
+          if (!HadInformativeChunks) {
+            if (RequiredQualifiers)
+              *RequiredQualifiers = std::move(*Signature);
+            Snippet->clear();
+          }
         } else { // Subsequent argument, considered part of snippet/signature.
           *Signature += Chunk.Text;
@@ -173,6 +200,7 @@
       *Snippet += '}';
     case CodeCompletionString::CK_Informative:
+      HadInformativeChunks = true;
       // For example, the word "const" for a const method, or the name of
       // the base class for methods that are part of the base class.
       *Signature += Chunk.Text;
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