jrtc27 added a comment.

In D101140#2786844 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D101140#2786844>, @wingo wrote:

> In D101140#2786777 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D101140#2786777>, @jrtc27 wrote:
>> Is it just me or does having a backend-specific type in target-independent 
>> code feel wrong? It feels like there should be a space for target-specific 
>> TargetStackIDs...
> Hoo, good question.  More support for target-specific handling of stack IDs 
> would be great.  However in this case the concept is not purely 
> wasm-specific; I can imagine other targets that might have a similar 
> treatment of locals (if we had a .net target, or a jvm target, or so).  The 
> idea is that there is a separate stack consisting of named locals that may 
> not be addressable by pointers to main memory.  In earlier drafts of this 
> patch the name was more generic ("Object", then "Managed") but you know, our 
> words in this area are quite overloaded.  So instead I went with something 
> quite specific (WasmLocal) to avoid the general question -- but I do think 
> the concept is not specific, even if it doesn't apply to any other target 
> currently in tree.  WDYT?

Well, except all the logic for it is in the backend, only the parser and the 
definition are in target-independent code, so even if another backend were to 
reuse it it would have its own completely separate logic for it, and thus 
there's no benefit to reusing a shared name for the thing over each target 
defining its own? Or would some of the code in the wasm backend be refactored 
out into CodeGen?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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