majnemer added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Driver/MSVCToolChain.cpp:481
@@ +480,3 @@
+  std::vector<uint8_t> VersionBlock(VersionSize);
+  if (!::GetFileVersionInfoW(ClExeWide.c_str(), 0, VersionSize,
amccarth wrote:
> majnemer wrote:
> > It might be nicer to use a `SmallVector<uint8_t, 
> > sizeof(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO)>`, or whatever `VersionSize` typically is, here to 
> > avoid heap allocation in the common case.
> What's the cutoff for "small"?  The version block in cl.exe is about 9KB.
Using 10K is probably fine, the default stack size on Windows is a massive 1 MB 
and this function is not reentrant.

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