rsmith added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Sema/SemaExprCXX.cpp:898
@@ +897,3 @@
+  // end of the TU) we need to be able to examine its enclosing lambdas and so
+  // we use the DeclContext to get a hold of the ClosureClass and query it for
+  // capture information.  The reason we don't just resort to always using the
No camel case for ClosureClass.

Comment at: lib/Sema/SemaExprCXX.cpp:910
@@ +909,3 @@
+      assert(IsFirstIteration);
+      assert(CurLSI->CallOperator->getParent()->getParent() == CurDC);
+      CurDC = CurLSI->CallOperator;
Please add a comment explaining this, I have no idea what special case you're 
checking for here.

Comment at: lib/Sema/SemaExprCXX.cpp:952
@@ +951,3 @@
+    while (Closure &&
+           IsThisCaptured(Closure, IsByCopyCapture, IsConstCapture)) {
+      if (IsByCopyCapture) {
Should you really stop here if this is not captured? There could still be a 
surrounding lambda with a mutable *this capture.

Comment at: lib/Sema/SemaExprCXX.cpp:1062
@@ -964,1 +1061,3 @@
+  Expr *This =
+      new (Context) CXXThisExpr(Loc, AdjustedThisTy, /*isImplicit*/ true);
   if (ByCopy) {
faisalv wrote:
> Hmm - I wonder if instead of using AdjustedThisTy, I should always use 
> 'ThisTy' since it is being used in the initializer expression, and should 
> probably inherit its cv qualifiers from an enclosing lambda? correct?
Yes, don't use AdjustedThisTy here. You can test for this bug by giving the 
class both a (const T&) and a (T&)=delete copy ctor.

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