klimek added a comment.

In D69764#2934032 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D69764#2934032>, @MyDeveloperDay 

> In D69764#2932929 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D69764#2932929>, @steveire wrote:
> @steveire, thanks for your comments, I also agree that a second tool 
> shouldn't be needed, especially as this functionality is off by default (and 
> needs to stay that way). This was my suggestion for a compromise.
> Its a tough call, but ultimately no on ever gave this a LGTM so I couldn't 
> proceed anyway. Whilst I think we can cover the other qualifiers with a 
> similar approach I don't want to waste more of my time until the fundamental 
> question has been answered if its ok for clang-format to insert/modify the 
> order of tokens and that is more a collective decision.
> It was suggested to me that I write up and RFC on the matter, I'm not a 
> massive fan of those as I don't really see a formal process for handling them 
> (the conversation seems to turn into a series of personal preferences then 
> dwindles and dies without conclusion). But if people think it would solve 
> something I guess I could try.
> From my perspective I'm more interested in the views of the major 
> clang-format contributors (@curdeius, @krasimir, @owenpan , @sammccall, 
> @HazardyKnusperkeks  and people like yourselves who have put time and effort 
> into blogging about these tools), ultimately it will be us who have to handle 
> the impact of this (and maybe the #clangd people) and I don't want to 
> inconvenience them or make work for them.
> So here is what is needed to land this in my view:
> 1. I'd want at least 2 to 3 of the current reviewers to LGTM.
> 2. I'd want 1 person (like yourself) a community contributor to also give 
> their approval (I guess I have that conceptually from you!)
> or
> 1. @klimek or @djasper to give us an its ok for "clang-format to 
> insert/modify the order of tokens" in a controlled manner decision
> 2. 1 LGTM
> Whilst I respect the views of those few who have objected, they don't to my 
> knowledge make significant contributions to clang-format (not in the last 5-6 
> years I've been following it anyway)
> I feel this team owns the decision as we are the ones that look after it, 
> warts and all. We'll always have a situation where some don't agree, thats 
> ok, but I feel there is more agreement that this funcationality is ok rather 
> than not.
> Until one of those 2 things happens, we are in limbo.

I think we had a really good, inclusive discussion on this change, so I don't 
think an RFC would add anything to it.

I think we have consensus on, if we want this, we:

1. want it behind an option that is not enabled in default-configs
2. we want users to understand that this has the potential to introduce bugs

I also think this is a feature that seems useful enough for a large enough 
group, to provide it in clang-format.
I'd put a lot of weight on @MyDeveloperDay's evaluation, as in the end, he's 
currently taking the most active role in keeping clang-format alive & well.

One idea for clang-format going forward is: can we make it easier for people to 
understand what flags can introduce non-whitespace-changes? E.g. have flag name 
prefixes like semantic-*.

So, I'm generally OK with this.

One minor nit I have is that I'd personally add unit tests to the 
EastWestConstFixer, as it's quite a large class, but given that I'll duck out 
after this comment, I'll not insist :)



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