ThePhD added a comment.

Hi, my name is JeanHeyd Meneide. I'm the Project Editor for C, but more 
importantly I'm the author of this paper:

This paper was accepted yesterday (September 3rd, 2021) into the C Standard, 
and (after I merge it and the like ~25 other papers + Annex X I need to merge), 
will appear in the next Draft of the C Standard.

As the paper's introduction and movtiation notes, the interpretation above that 
the locale-dependent encoding of `wchar_t` strings and `char` (MBS) strings for 
runtime functions like `mbstowcs` and `wcstombs` was not only a little bit 
silly, but also impossible to enforce properly on most systems without severe 
undue burden.

The wording of the paper explicitly removes the tie-in of the encoding of 
string literals and wide string literals to the library functions and instead 
makes them implementation-defined. This has no behavior change on any platform 
(it is, in a very strict sense, an expansion of the current definition and a 
standardization of existing practice amongst all implementations). What it does 
mean is that, however, Clang and every other compiler - so long as they pick a 
ISO10646-code point capable encoding for their `wchar_t` literals - can define 
this preprocessor macro unconditionally. My understanding is that on most 
systems where things have not been patched / tweaked, this applies since Clang 
vastly prefers UTF-32 in most of its setups.

It is my strong recommendation this patch be accepted and made unconditional, 
both in anticipation of the upcoming standard and the widespread existing 

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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