linjamaki added a comment.

In D110622#3030792 <>, @tra wrote:

>> A Cuda GPU architecture ‘generic’ is added. The name is picked from the LLVM 
>> SPIR-V Backend. In the HIPSPV code path the architecture name is inserted to 
>> the bundle entry ID as target ID. Target ID is expected to be always present 
>> so a component in the target triple is not mistaken as target ID.
> How generic is 'generic'? If I understand the statement above correctly, it 
> should probably reflect that it's specific to spir-v.
> If it's the only possible spir-v variant, then calling it`spir-v` might be 
> more meaningful.
> If we expect to see other spir-v variants in the future it would allow us to 
> clearly differentiate between them later. 
> E.g. `--offload=spirv-a,spirv-b`. It would be rather odd if we had to use 
> `--offload=generic, spirv-b`.

In this patch the ‘generic’ is meant to be a processor model defined in the 
SPIR-V backend. Now to come to think of it a bit more, I think it should not be 
specific to the SPIR-V target but the target at hand if its backend defines 
one. What I’m seeing is that each entry in the CudaArch has a processor by the 
same name in the NVPTX and AMGPU backends.

If I need to set different processor other from the SPIR-V backend than what is 
set as the default in HIP compilation, I thought from the [1] it could be 
carried out with something like:

  --offload=spirv64 -Xoffload=spirv64 -march=other-spirv-cpu


In D110622#3031010 <>, @tra wrote:

>> --offload’ option, which is envisioned in [1], is added for specifying 
>> offload targets. This option is used to override default device target 
>> (amdgcn-amd-amdhsa) for HIP compilation for emitting device code as SPIR-V 
>> binary. The option is handled in getHIPOffloadTargetTriple().
> Can you elaborate on what exactly this option does and how it's intended to 
> interact with the existing `--offload-arch`?

I think that the --offload-arch interaction question is for @yaxunl. What is 
being contributed here is a partial implementation for the unified offloading 
options. The --offload option in this patch is used to supply the offload 
device target triple (in HIP compilation mode) for retargeting the device code 
emission to SPIR-V instead of emitting HSA.

> In general a list of values, combined with the `getLastArg` will potentially 
> be an issue if/when more than one list value will be supported.
> In a large build it's fairly common for the build infrastructure to set the 
> default options and allowing users to extend/override them with *additional* 
> options. `getLastArg` works great for scalar options, not so much for the 
> lists.
> If an option is a list, modifying it requires prior knowledge of preceding 
> values and that may not always be easy.
> E.g. a build configuration may be set to  target gfx900 and gfx908. If I want 
> to *add* an option to target gfx1030, I would need to dig out the options for 
> the currently-enabled architectures and specify all of them again. It's 
> doable once, manually, but it does not scale if this option is expected to be 
> regularly tweaked by the end user, as is the case with `--offload-arch`. If 
> `--offload` is expected to have similar use patterns, you may need to 
> consider allowing it to be adjusted per-list-element.

The use of getLastArg() is an oversight. I’ll fix it with getAllArgValues().

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Basic/Cuda.h:106
 static inline bool IsAMDGpuArch(CudaArch A) {
   return A >= CudaArch::GFX600 && A < CudaArch::LAST;
tra wrote:
> Does this need to be adjusted to exclude SPIR-V? If so, you may want to add 
> another enum range for SPIR-V.
Didn't notice this. I'll fix this.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Driver/
+def offload_EQ : CommaJoined<["--"], "offload=">, Flags<[NoXarchOption]>,
+  HelpText<"Specify comma-separated list of offloading targets.">;
tra wrote:
> `comma-separated list of offloading targets.` is, unfortunately, somewhat 
> ambiguous.
> Does it mean "how the offload will be done". I.e. HSA, OpenMP, SPIRV, CUDA? 
> Or does it mean specific hardware we need to generate the code for? 
> The code suggests it's a variant of the former, but the option description 
> does not. 
> E.g. `offload_arch_EQ ` also uses the term "offloading target" but with a 
> different meaning.
I’m not sure how to rephrase the option description to be more clear. In the 
[1] the `--offload` option is envisioned to be quite flexible/expressive - it 
can take in target triples, offload kinds, processors, aliases for processor 
sets, etc.

FYI, I have imagined that the `--offload` option would take in explicit offload 
kind and target triple combinations as the basis. For example, something like 


And top of that, there would be predefined strings/shortcuts/aliases that 
expand to the basic form. For example, 
`--offload=sm_70,openmp-host` could expand to something like:

-Xoffload=cuda-nvptx64-nvidia-cuda -march=sm_70 ...

Then there is a feature as discussed in [1] that the offload kind can be 
dropped if it can be inferred by other means (e.g. from `-x hip` option). 

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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