rsmith added a comment.

In D114732#3159247 <>, @Quuxplusone 

> - D50119 <> has more extensive tests, and has 
> been live on for a couple years now; if 
> the consensus is that Clang wants "part of D50119 
> <> but not all of it," then IMHO it would be 
> reasonable to put some comments on D50119 <> 
> with the goal of stripping it //down//, rather than trying to build //up// a 
> smaller version of it in parallel.

I've compared the two patches, and as far as I can tell, this patch is 
effectively the subset of D50119 <> that 
includes only the new type trait and not the new attributes, with the following 

- No manual `__has_extension` support. This is an improvement in this patch; 
the intended way to test for type trait primitives is with `__has_builtin`, and 
that has built-in knowledge of type traits. I think this may have changed since 
D50119 <> was first proposed; `__has_builtin` 
has not always supported type trait builtins.
- This patch has an unnecessary check for trivial destruction of trivially 
copyable types (commented in this review).
- This patch treats trivial-for-calls as implying trivially-relocatable, and in 
particular this means that `[[trivial_abi]]` types are implicitly 
trivially-relocatable, as discussed below.
- `-ast-dump` support. I'd be inclined to omit that from this change; until / 
unless we have an attribute that makes a class trivially-relocatable but not 
trivial for calls, adding dump support for `canPassInRegisters` rather than 
`isTriviallyRelocatable` seems better-motivated, but wouldn't make sense as 
part of this patch.
- Different set of test cases.

Even if we want to land all of the functionality in D50119 
<> now, splitting out the new type trait and the 
new attribute into separate patches makes sense to me.

> - (Major point of contention) To me, `[[trivial_abi]]` does not imply 
> `[[trivially_relocatable]]` at all. I believe @rjmccall disagreed a few years 
> ago: basically I said "The two attributes are orthogonal," with practical 
> demonstration, and basically he said "yes, in practice you're right, but 
> philosophically that's a bug and we do actually //intend// `[[trivial_abi]]` 
> to imply `[[trivially_relocatable]]` even though the compiler doesn't enforce 
> it" (but then AFAIK nothing was ever done about that).

I agree with @rjmccall on this: `[[trivial_abi]]` is meant to imply both that 
it's correct to trivially relocate and that we should perform a trivial 
relocation when making a function call. The latter without the former doesn't 
make sense to me. I agree that the former without the latter does make sense, 
and I don't think this change is an impediment to supporting that.

Personally I'm more comfortable landing this subset of D50119 
<> now than I would be with landing all of 
D50119 <>, given that the type trait seems 
well-motivated and unlikely to have any serious conflicts with an 
eventually-standardized feature. John's concern that the semantics of an 
eventual `[[trivially_relocatable]]` attribute may differ from what's in D50119 
<> seem well-founded to me.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Basic/
+The compiler will pass and return a trivially relocatable type using the C ABI
+for the underlying type, even when the type would otherwise be considered
+non-trivially-relocatable. If a type is trivially relocatable, has a
+non-trivial destructor, and is passed as an argument by value, the convention
+is that the callee will destroy the object before returning.
I think this documentation change has mixed together two different things. The 
revised wording says that `[[trivial_abi]]` implies trivially-relocatable and 
that trivially-relocatable implies passing using the C ABI, which is wrong: the 
second implication does not hold. What we should say is that `[[trivial_abi]]` 
(if we're not in the "has no effect" case described below) implies both that 
the type is trivially-relocatable, and that it is passed using the C ABI (that 
is, that we trivially relocate in argument passing).

Instead of the wording changes you have here, perhaps we could leave the old 
wording alone and add a paragraph that says that a type with the attribute is 
assumed to be trivially-relocatable for the purpose of 
`__is_trivially_relocatable`, but that Clang doesn't yet take advantage of this 
fact anywhere other than argument passing.

Comment at: clang/lib/AST/Type.cpp:2500
+    return BaseElementType.isTriviallyCopyableType(Context) &&
+           !BaseElementType.isDestructedType();
+  }
You can simplify this a little by dropping this `isDestructedType()` check; 
trivially copyable implies trivially destructible.

It would be a little more precise to check for 
`!isNonTrivialToPrimitiveDestructiveMove() && !isDestructedType()` here; that'd 
treat `__autoreleasing` pointers as trivially-relocatable, but not `__strong` 
pointers (because "destructive move" there actually means "non-destructive 
move" and needs to leave the object in a valid but unspecified state, which 
means nulling out a moved-from `__strong` pointer). I think getting this 
"fully" right would require a bit more plumbing to properly handle the case of 
a `struct` containing a `__strong` pointer (which is trivially relocatable but 
not trivially anything else).

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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