sammccall updated this revision to Diff 401410.
sammccall marked 8 inline comments as done.
sammccall added a comment.

Address comments, rebase.
This category is *off* by default.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/InlayHintTests.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/InlayHintTests.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/InlayHintTests.cpp
@@ -13,21 +13,22 @@
 #include "TestWorkspace.h"
 #include "XRefs.h"
 #include "support/Context.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ScopedPrinter.h"
 #include "gmock/gmock.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
 namespace clang {
 namespace clangd {
-std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &Stream, const InlayHint &Hint) {
-  return Stream << Hint.label;
+llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &Stream,
+                              const InlayHint &Hint) {
+  return Stream << Hint.label << "@" << Hint.range;
 namespace {
 using ::testing::ElementsAre;
 using ::testing::IsEmpty;
-using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre;
 std::vector<InlayHint> hintsOfKind(ParsedAST &AST, InlayHintKind Kind) {
   std::vector<InlayHint> Result;
@@ -45,17 +46,24 @@
   std::string RangeName;
   HintSide Side = Left;
-  friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &Stream,
-                                  const ExpectedHint &Hint) {
-    return Stream << Hint.RangeName << ": " << Hint.Label;
+  friend llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &Stream,
+                                       const ExpectedHint &Hint) {
+    return Stream << Hint.Label << "@$" << Hint.RangeName;
-MATCHER_P2(HintMatcher, Expected, Code, "") {
-  return arg.label == Expected.Label &&
-         arg.range == Code.range(Expected.RangeName) &&
-         arg.position ==
-             ((Expected.Side == Left) ? arg.range.start : arg.range.end);
+MATCHER_P2(HintMatcher, Expected, Code, llvm::to_string(Expected)) {
+  if (arg.label != Expected.Label) {
+    *result_listener << "label is " << arg.label;
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (arg.range != Code.range(Expected.RangeName)) {
+    *result_listener << "range is " << arg.label << " but $"
+                     << Expected.RangeName << " is "
+                     << llvm::to_string(Code.range(Expected.RangeName));
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
 MATCHER_P(labelIs, Label, "") { return arg.label == Label; }
@@ -64,6 +72,7 @@
   Config C;
   C.InlayHints.Parameters = false;
   C.InlayHints.DeducedTypes = false;
+  C.InlayHints.Designators = false;
   return C;
@@ -100,6 +109,15 @@
   assertHints(InlayHintKind::TypeHint, AnnotatedSource, Expected...);
+template <typename... ExpectedHints>
+void assertDesignatorHints(llvm::StringRef AnnotatedSource,
+                           ExpectedHints... Expected) {
+  Config Cfg;
+  Cfg.InlayHints.Designators = true;
+  WithContextValue WithCfg(Config::Key, std::move(Cfg));
+  assertHints(InlayHintKind::DesignatorHint, AnnotatedSource, Expected...);
 TEST(ParameterHints, Smoke) {
     void foo(int param);
@@ -658,6 +676,71 @@
                   ExpectedHint{": int", "var"});
+TEST(DesignatorHints, Basic) {
+  assertDesignatorHints(R"cpp(
+    struct S { int x, y, z; };
+    S s {$x[[1]], $y[[2+2]]};
+    int x[] = {$0[[0]], $1[[1]]};
+  )cpp",
+                        ExpectedHint{".x=", "x"}, ExpectedHint{".y=", "y"},
+                        ExpectedHint{"[0]=", "0"}, ExpectedHint{"[1]=", "1"});
+TEST(DesignatorHints, Nested) {
+  assertDesignatorHints(R"cpp(
+    struct Inner { int x, y; };
+    struct Outer { Inner a, b; };
+    Outer o{ $a[[{ $x[[1]], $y[[2]] }]], $bx[[3]] };
+  )cpp",
+                        ExpectedHint{".a=", "a"}, ExpectedHint{".x=", "x"},
+                        ExpectedHint{".y=", "y"}, ExpectedHint{".b.x=", "bx"});
+TEST(DesignatorHints, AnonymousRecord) {
+  assertDesignatorHints(R"cpp(
+    struct S {
+      union {
+        struct {
+          struct {
+            int y;
+          };
+        } x;
+      };
+    };
+    S s{$xy[[42]]};
+  )cpp",
+                        ExpectedHint{".x.y=", "xy"});
+TEST(DesignatorHints, Suppression) {
+  assertDesignatorHints(R"cpp(
+    struct Point { int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h; };
+    Point p{/*a=*/1, .c=2, /* .d = */3, $e[[4]]};
+  )cpp",
+                        ExpectedHint{".e=", "e"});
+TEST(DesignatorHints, StdArray) {
+  // Designators for std::array should be [0] rather than .__elements[0].
+  // While technically correct, the designator is useless and horrible to read.
+  assertDesignatorHints(R"cpp(
+    template <typename T, int N> struct Array { T __elements[N]; };
+    Array<int, 2> x = {$0[[0]], $1[[1]]};
+  )cpp",
+                        ExpectedHint{"[0]=", "0"}, ExpectedHint{"[1]=", "1"});
+TEST(DesignatorHints, OnlyAggregateInit) {
+  assertDesignatorHints(R"cpp(
+    struct Copyable { int x; } c;
+    Copyable d{c};
+    struct Constructible { Constructible(int x); };
+    Constructible x{42};
+  )cpp" /*no designator hints expected (but param hints!)*/);
 TEST(InlayHints, RestrictRange) {
   Annotations Code(R"cpp(
     auto a = false;
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/Protocol.h
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/Protocol.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/Protocol.h
@@ -1538,6 +1538,12 @@
   /// which shows the deduced type of the variable.
+  /// A hint before an element of an aggregate braced initializer list,
+  /// indicating what it is initializing.
+  ///   Pair{^1, ^2};
+  /// Uses designator syntax, e.g. `.first:`.
+  DesignatorHint,
   /// Other ideas for hints that are not currently implemented:
   /// * Chaining hints, showing the types of intermediate expressions
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/Protocol.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/Protocol.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/Protocol.cpp
@@ -1326,6 +1326,8 @@
     return "parameter";
   case InlayHintKind::TypeHint:
     return "type";
+  case InlayHintKind::DesignatorHint:
+    return "designator";
   llvm_unreachable("Unknown clang.clangd.InlayHintKind");
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/InlayHints.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/InlayHints.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/InlayHints.cpp
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
 #include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"
 #include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/ScopeExit.h"
 namespace clang {
 namespace clangd {
@@ -21,6 +22,167 @@
 // For now, inlay hints are always anchored at the left or right of their range.
 enum class HintSide { Left, Right };
+// Helper class to iterate over the designator names of an aggregate type.
+// For an array type, yields [0], [1], [2]...
+// For aggregate classes, yields null for each base, then .field1, .field2, ...
+class AggregateDesignatorNames {
+  AggregateDesignatorNames(QualType T) {
+    if (!T.isNull()) {
+      T = T.getCanonicalType();
+      if (T->isArrayType()) {
+        IsArray = true;
+        Valid = true;
+        return;
+      }
+      if (const RecordDecl *RD = T->getAsRecordDecl()) {
+        Valid = true;
+        FieldsIt = RD->field_begin();
+        FieldsEnd = RD->field_end();
+        if (const auto *CRD = llvm::dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(RD)) {
+          BasesIt = CRD->bases_begin();
+          BasesEnd = CRD->bases_end();
+          Valid = CRD->isAggregate();
+        }
+        OneField = Valid && BasesIt == BasesEnd && FieldsIt != FieldsEnd &&
+                   std::next(FieldsIt) == FieldsEnd;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Returns false if the type was not an aggregate.
+  operator bool() { return Valid; }
+  // Advance to the next element in the aggregate.
+  void next() {
+    if (IsArray)
+      ++Index;
+    else if (BasesIt != BasesEnd)
+      ++BasesIt;
+    else if (FieldsIt != FieldsEnd)
+      ++FieldsIt;
+  }
+  // Print the designator to Out.
+  // Returns false if we could not produce a designator for this element.
+  bool append(std::string &Out, bool ForSubobject) {
+    if (IsArray) {
+      Out.push_back('[');
+      Out.append(std::to_string(Index));
+      Out.push_back(']');
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (BasesIt != BasesEnd)
+      return false; // Bases can't be designated. Should we make one up?
+    if (FieldsIt != FieldsEnd) {
+      llvm::StringRef FieldName;
+      if (const IdentifierInfo *II = FieldsIt->getIdentifier())
+        FieldName = II->getName();
+      // For certain objects, their subobjects may be named directly.
+      if (ForSubobject &&
+          (FieldsIt->isAnonymousStructOrUnion() ||
+           // std::array<int,3> x = {1,2,3}. Designators not strictly valid!
+           (OneField && isReservedName(FieldName))))
+        return true;
+      if (!FieldName.empty() && !isReservedName(FieldName)) {
+        Out.push_back('.');
+        Out.append(FieldName.begin(), FieldName.end());
+        return true;
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  bool Valid = false;
+  bool IsArray = false;
+  bool OneField = false; // e.g. std::array { T __elements[N]; }
+  unsigned Index = 0;
+  CXXRecordDecl::base_class_const_iterator BasesIt;
+  CXXRecordDecl::base_class_const_iterator BasesEnd;
+  RecordDecl::field_iterator FieldsIt;
+  RecordDecl::field_iterator FieldsEnd;
+// Collect designator labels describing the elements of an init list.
+// This function contributes the designators of some (sub)object, which is
+// represented by the semantic InitListExpr Sem.
+// This includes any nested subobjects, but *only* if they are part of the same
+// original syntactic init list (due to brace elision).
+// In other words, it may descend into subobjects but not written init-lists.
+// For example: struct Outer { Inner a,b; }; struct Inner { int x, y; }
+//              Outer o{{1, 2}, 3};
+// This function will be called with Sem = { {1, 2}, {3, ImplicitValue} }
+// It should generate designators '.a:' and '.b.x:'.
+// '.a:' is produced directly without recursing into the written sublist.
+// (The written sublist will have a separate collectDesignators() call later).
+// Recursion with Prefix='.b' and Sem = {3, ImplicitValue} produces '.b.x:'.
+void collectDesignators(const InitListExpr *Sem,
+                        llvm::DenseMap<SourceLocation, std::string> &Out,
+                        const llvm::DenseSet<SourceLocation> &NestedBraces,
+                        std::string &Prefix) {
+  if (!Sem || Sem->isTransparent())
+    return;
+  assert(Sem->isSemanticForm());
+  // The elements of the semantic form all correspond to direct subobjects of
+  // the aggregate type. `Fields` iterates over these subobject names.
+  AggregateDesignatorNames Fields(Sem->getType());
+  if (!Fields)
+    return;
+  for (const Expr *Init : Sem->inits()) {
+    auto Next = llvm::make_scope_exit([&, Size(Prefix.size())] {
+;       // Always advance to the next subobject name.
+      Prefix.resize(Size); // Erase any designator we appended.
+    });
+    if (llvm::isa<ImplicitValueInitExpr>(Init))
+      continue; // a "hole" for a subobject that was not explicitly initialized
+    const auto *BraceElidedSubobject = llvm::dyn_cast<InitListExpr>(Init);
+    if (BraceElidedSubobject &&
+        NestedBraces.contains(BraceElidedSubobject->getLBraceLoc()))
+      BraceElidedSubobject = nullptr; // there were braces!
+    if (!Fields.append(Prefix, BraceElidedSubobject != nullptr))
+      continue; // no designator available for this subobject
+    if (BraceElidedSubobject) {
+      // If the braces were elided, this aggregate subobject is initialized
+      // inline in the same syntactic list.
+      // Descend into the semantic list describing the subobject.
+      // (NestedBraces are still correct, they're from the same syntactic list).
+      collectDesignators(BraceElidedSubobject, Out, NestedBraces, Prefix);
+      continue;
+    }
+    Out.try_emplace(Init->getBeginLoc(), Prefix);
+  }
+// Get designators describing the elements of a (syntactic) init list.
+// This does not produce designators for any explicitly-written nested lists.
+llvm::DenseMap<SourceLocation, std::string>
+getDesignators(const InitListExpr *Syn) {
+  assert(Syn->isSyntacticForm());
+  // collectDesignators needs to know which InitListExprs in the semantic tree
+  // were actually written, but InitListExpr::isExplicit() lies.
+  // Instead, record where braces of sub-init-lists occur in the syntactic form.
+  llvm::DenseSet<SourceLocation> NestedBraces;
+  for (const Expr *Init : Syn->inits())
+    if (auto *Nested = llvm::dyn_cast<InitListExpr>(Init))
+      NestedBraces.insert(Nested->getLBraceLoc());
+  // Traverse the semantic form to find the designators.
+  // We use their SourceLocation to correlate with the syntactic form later.
+  llvm::DenseMap<SourceLocation, std::string> Designators;
+  std::string EmptyPrefix;
+  collectDesignators(Syn->isSemanticForm() ? Syn : Syn->getSemanticForm(),
+                     Designators, NestedBraces, EmptyPrefix);
+  return Designators;
 class InlayHintVisitor : public RecursiveASTVisitor<InlayHintVisitor> {
   InlayHintVisitor(std::vector<InlayHint> &Results, ParsedAST &AST,
@@ -127,6 +289,30 @@
     return true;
+  bool VisitInitListExpr(InitListExpr *Syn) {
+    // We receive the syntactic form here (shouldVisitImplicitCode() is false).
+    // This is the one we will ultimately attach designators to.
+    // It may have subobject initializers inlined without braces. The *semantic*
+    // form of the init-list has nested init-lists for these.
+    // getDesignators will look at the semantic form to determine the labels.
+    assert(Syn->isSyntacticForm() && "RAV should not visit implicit code!");
+    if (!Cfg.InlayHints.Designators)
+      return true;
+    if (Syn->isIdiomaticZeroInitializer(AST.getLangOpts()))
+      return true;
+    llvm::DenseMap<SourceLocation, std::string> Designators =
+        getDesignators(Syn);
+    for (const Expr *Init : Syn->inits()) {
+      if (llvm::isa<DesignatedInitExpr>(Init))
+        continue;
+      auto It = Designators.find(Init->getBeginLoc());
+      if (It != Designators.end() &&
+          !isPrecededByParamNameComment(Init, It->second))
+        addDesignatorHint(Init->getSourceRange(), It->second);
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
   // FIXME: Handle RecoveryExpr to try to hint some invalid calls.
@@ -229,12 +415,16 @@
     // Check for comment ending.
     if (!SourcePrefix.consume_back("*/"))
       return false;
-    // Allow whitespace and "=" at end of comment.
-    SourcePrefix = SourcePrefix.rtrim().rtrim('=').rtrim();
+    // Ignore some punctuation and whitespace around comment.
+    // In particular this allows designators to match nicely.
+    llvm::StringLiteral IgnoreChars = " =.";
+    SourcePrefix = SourcePrefix.rtrim(IgnoreChars);
+    ParamName = ParamName.trim(IgnoreChars);
     // Other than that, the comment must contain exactly ParamName.
     if (!SourcePrefix.consume_back(ParamName))
       return false;
-    return SourcePrefix.rtrim().endswith("/*");
+    SourcePrefix = SourcePrefix.rtrim(IgnoreChars);
+    return SourcePrefix.endswith("/*");
   // If "E" spells a single unqualified identifier, return that name.
@@ -341,6 +531,7 @@
       CHECK_KIND(ParameterHint, Parameters);
       CHECK_KIND(TypeHint, DeducedTypes);
+      CHECK_KIND(DesignatorHint, Designators);
 #undef CHECK_KIND
@@ -378,6 +569,11 @@
                    TypeName, /*Suffix=*/"");
+  void addDesignatorHint(SourceRange R, llvm::StringRef Text) {
+    addInlayHint(R, HintSide::Left, InlayHintKind::DesignatorHint,
+                 /*Prefix=*/"", Text, /*Suffix=*/"=");
+  }
   std::vector<InlayHint> &Results;
   ASTContext &AST;
   const Config &Cfg;
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ConfigYAML.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/ConfigYAML.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/ConfigYAML.cpp
@@ -229,6 +229,10 @@
       if (auto Value = boolValue(N, "DeducedTypes"))
         F.DeducedTypes = *Value;
+    Dict.handle("Designators", [&](Node &N) {
+      if (auto Value = boolValue(N, "Designators"))
+        F.Designators = *Value;
+    });
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ConfigFragment.h
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/ConfigFragment.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/ConfigFragment.h
@@ -293,6 +293,8 @@
     llvm::Optional<Located<bool>> ParameterNames;
     /// Show deduced types for `auto`.
     llvm::Optional<Located<bool>> DeducedTypes;
+    /// Show designators in aggregate initialization.
+    llvm::Optional<Located<bool>> Designators;
   InlayHintsBlock InlayHints;
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ConfigCompile.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/ConfigCompile.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/ConfigCompile.cpp
@@ -541,6 +541,10 @@
       Out.Apply.push_back([Value(**F.DeducedTypes)](const Params &, Config &C) {
         C.InlayHints.DeducedTypes = Value;
+    if (F.Designators)
+      Out.Apply.push_back([Value(**F.Designators)](const Params &, Config &C) {
+        C.InlayHints.Designators = Value;
+      });
   constexpr static llvm::SourceMgr::DiagKind Error = llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error;
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/Config.h
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/Config.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/Config.h
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@
     // Whether specific categories of hints are enabled.
     bool Parameters = true;
     bool DeducedTypes = true;
+    bool Designators = false;
   } InlayHints;
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