pkasting marked 9 inline comments as done.
pkasting added a comment.

In D118070#3278123 <>, @thakis wrote:

> Things that can still improve:
> 1. This now does way more than just /winsysroot:. It also makes it so that 
> lld-link works in a non-msvc shell by looking up libpaths in either registry 
> or via setup api.

Updated description.

> 2. Some of the new lld-link code still looks (from a distance, might be 
> wrong) like it could be shared more

Did what I think I could, see details in comments.

> 3. Still needs tests.

Added a few basic tests, please review.

Comment at: lld/COFF/Driver.cpp:157
+// on the target architecture.
+static const char *getWindowsSDKArch() {
+  switch (config->machine) {
Found a way to share these.

Comment at: lld/COFF/Driver.cpp:666
+    if (useUniversalCRT(vsLayout, vcToolChainPath)) {
+      std::string UniversalCRTSdkPath;
thakis wrote:
> Do you think it's possible to get this logic here (this path if ucrt else 
> this other path, etc) shared between the two places? Maybe a getLibPaths() 
> function that's passed arch etc?
The big problem is that in lld this logic is split between the two phases 
(pre-run() and post-run()) and can't easily be moved entirely into the 
post-run() phase.  So we'd only be able to share the logic that is here in the 
pre-run phase (the code that doesn't need the arch), which would make the clang 
code quite cumbersome.

I think it's not worth trying.

Comment at: lld/COFF/Driver.cpp:710
+  if (!windowsSdkLibPath.empty()) {
+    if (sdkMajor >= 8) {
+      path::append(windowsSdkLibPath, getWindowsSDKArch());
Found a way to share this.

Comment at: lld/COFF/Driver.cpp:257
+  path::append(SDKPath, "Include");
+  Version = getHighestNumericTupleInDirectory(SDKPath);
thakis wrote:
> `Include` seems like the wrong directory to look in in the linker (…i think?)
I think this is OK.  It's not obvious to me that we can change this to a .lib 
check safely, and I think clang and lld should use the same logic to detect 

Comment at: lld/COFF/Driver.cpp:687
 void LinkerDriver::addLibSearchPaths() {
   Optional<std::string> envOpt = Process::GetEnv("LIB");
   if (!envOpt.hasValue())
thakis wrote:
> thakis wrote:
> > We shouldn't look at `%LIB%` here when `/winsysroot:` is passed.
> Oh I see, this is now no longer called if winsysroot is passed.
Yep, added a test for this too.

Comment at: lld/COFF/SymbolTable.cpp:59
     config->machine = mt;
+    driver->addWinSysRootLibSearchPaths();
   } else if (mt != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN && config->machine != mt) {
thakis wrote:
> I suppose this is good enough :)
> If we wanted to get fancy, we could put in code to explicitly detect the case 
> of a .lib file not being found, and addWinSysRootLibSearchPaths() not having 
> been called yet (due to the machine type not yet being know), and then diag 
> something like ".lib not found. you passed /winsysroot:, try passing 
> /machine: too". But I don't think this will ever happen in practice, so I 
> think it's not worth worrying about.
I think this can only happen for defaultlibs?  ...and those get processed after 
we set the machine type now, so there can't be a problem here.  Or at least, I 
couldn't find a way to trigger one in practice -- all my attempts led the 
linker to instead complain "No input files."  So I'm gonna call this N/A, but 
if you think of a command line to trigger it so I can test it, let me know.

Comment at: utils/bazel/llvm-project-overlay/clang/BUILD.bazel:1314
-            "lib/Driver/ToolChains/MSVCSetupApi.h",
-        ],
thakis wrote:
> (fwiw you don't have to update BUILD.bazel files)
Shrug, it's not hard to do so.  And already done now, so...

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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