Author: Simon Pilgrim
Date: 2022-02-08T11:48:37Z
New Revision: 508b3f437dae99518d8e325a7a32d3d80613462b


LOG: Attempt to fix sphinx 'Malformed table' warning.




diff  --git a/clang/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst 
index 35a964727bed..f45d88092eb4 100644
--- a/clang/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst
+++ b/clang/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst
@@ -530,26 +530,26 @@ elementwise to the input.
 Unless specified otherwise operation(±0) = ±0 and operation(±infinity) = 
-         Name                              Operation                           
                             Supported element types
- T __builtin_elementwise_abs(T x)          return the absolute value of a 
number x; the absolute value of   signed integer and floating point types
-                                           the most negative integer remains 
the most negative integer
- T __builtin_elementwise_ceil(T x)         return the smallest integral value 
greater than or equal to x    floating point types
- T __builtin_elementwise_floor(T x)        return the largest integral value 
less than or equal to x        floating point types
- T __builtin_elementwise_roundeven(T x)    round x to the nearest integer 
value in floating point format,   floating point types
-                                           rounding halfway cases to even 
(that is, to the nearest value
-                                           that is an even integer), 
regardless of the current rounding
-                                           direction.
- T__builtin_elementwise_trunc(T x)         return the integral value nearest 
to but no larger in            floating point types
-                                           magnitude than x
- T __builtin_elementwise_max(T x, T y)     return x or y, whichever is larger  
                             integer and floating point types
- T __builtin_elementwise_min(T x, T y)     return x or y, whichever is smaller 
                             integer and floating point types
- T __builtin_elementwise_add_sat(T x, T y) return the sum of x and y, clamped 
to the range of               integer types
-                                           representable values for the 
signed/unsigned integer type.
- T __builtin_elementwise_sub_sat(T x, T y) return the 
diff erence of x and y, clamped to the range of        integer types
-                                           representable values for the 
signed/unsigned integer type..
+         Name                                Operation                         
                               Supported element types
+ T __builtin_elementwise_abs(T x)            return the absolute value of a 
number x; the absolute value of   signed integer and floating point types
+                                             the most negative integer remains 
the most negative integer
+ T __builtin_elementwise_ceil(T x)           return the smallest integral 
value greater than or equal to x    floating point types
+ T __builtin_elementwise_floor(T x)          return the largest integral value 
less than or equal to x        floating point types
+ T __builtin_elementwise_roundeven(T x)      round x to the nearest integer 
value in floating point format,   floating point types
+                                             rounding halfway cases to even 
(that is, to the nearest value
+                                             that is an even integer), 
regardless of the current rounding
+                                             direction.
+ T__builtin_elementwise_trunc(T x)           return the integral value nearest 
to but no larger in            floating point types
+                                             magnitude than x
+ T __builtin_elementwise_max(T x, T y)       return x or y, whichever is 
larger                               integer and floating point types
+ T __builtin_elementwise_min(T x, T y)       return x or y, whichever is 
smaller                              integer and floating point types
+ T __builtin_elementwise_add_sat(T x, T y)   return the sum of x and y, 
clamped to the range of               integer types
+                                             representable values for the 
signed/unsigned integer type.
+ T __builtin_elementwise_sub_sat(T x, T y)   return the 
diff erence of x and y, clamped to the range of        integer types
+                                             representable values for the 
signed/unsigned integer type.
 *Reduction Builtins*

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