lattner added a comment.

Hi all, I'm commenting on this based on my personal opinion, I don't speak for 
the LLVM board or anyone else.  I am also not a lawyer :)

This isn’t a clear cut case (as is typical!).  LLVM's approach on patents 
protection revolves primarily around the terms in the Apache 2 license, which 
is based on the owner of patents contributing code.  Beyond that, we 
can’t/don't proactively do all the research of potential patent infringement of 
contributed code.

That said, we have historically NOT taken code that is known to infringe on 
high risk patents.  The one that comes to mind is the (now expired) patents on 
Steensgaard’s unification-based pointer analysis work.  We rejected taking 
related work until those patents expire.

In this case, AUTOSAR/Parasoft looks like a little company, their spec is 
clearly saying they have IP rights associated with it, and the risks seem very 
high to me.  I think we should ask for a legal statement signed by a director 
of the company (not an informal email) saying we can use this in LLVM.  The 
risk is just otherwise too high for the vast community of people who use LLVM.



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